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Kerbal system of measurements


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When not on a planet or above 1,000,000 (kerbal) metres (on moons, the time would be the same as the planet the moon is orbiting) the (standard) units would be defined as follows:


Miliperiod = 1.08782775708 (24 hour eath) seconds in a second (duration of 10,000,000 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the atom called "cesium 133" on earth)

Cenitperiod = 100 seconds

Deciperiod = 100 minutes

Period = 10 hours (30 “normal earth†hours, 13 “normal earth†minutes, and 12 “normal earth†seconds)

Heptaperiod = 7 periods

Hectaperiod = 100 periods

When on a celestial body, the second would be defined as 1/1000 of the solar day for that body, redefining everything else.


Step = .326122557176 (SI metric meters) or 1/1000000000 of the distance light travels in a second while in a vacuum

KiloStep = 1,000 metres

DeciStep = .1 metres

CentiStep = .01 metres


Sip = one cubic metre

Milisip = .001 Sips

Kilosip = 1,000 Sips


Powair = 1,000,000 electrons per gram

KiloPowair = 1,000 Powairs

MegaPowair = 1,000,000 Powairs


0° = freezing point of rocket fuel

1000° = temperature of Jeb's first rocket engine that could lift 100 grams

Edited by LABHOUSE
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Yeah, I'm not sure I understand this.

Step = .326122557176 (SI metric meters) or 1/1000000000 of the distance light travels in a second while in a vacuum

KiloStep = 1,000 metres

DeciStep = .1 metres

CentiStep = .01 metres

1 Step equals 0.32 Meters, but a Kilostep equals not 320 meters, but 1,000 meters. What? This problem seems to happen with all of the measurements.

That said, as far as creativity goes, I like it. Except for Temperature. I still think Water's Boiling Point and Freezing Point at 1 Kerbin Atmosphere would be the measure for temperature, much like Celsius. However, science will probably use Kelvin.

Also, I don't understand the time stuff. What is it based on exactly? Additionally, I don't think the Electricity stuff makes sense. (Though neither does the Kerbal power system anyway.)

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