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Jeremy Clarkson Suspended by BBC


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Well he definitely doesn't fit in well in the politically correct world of the BBC.

I like him on the show and I can imagine him getting out of control at times, but this should have been handled in private.

The BBC would be crazy to get rid of him, but this is the BBC.

Although, to be fair, the public doesn't know if he really is terrible to work with.

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Suspending him for the punching affair makes sence to me.

What I don't get is BBC airing scenes involving the use of broadcasting-rule-breaking/racial remarks.

There's such a thing as deleting scenes while in montage. It's not like TopGear is being aired live.

BBC is adding as much, if not more, to the controversies as its hosts.

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I find it funny the number of people saying they'll cancel their TV licence over this. The BBC is a horrendous organisation and amongst other things is currently embroiled in a massive scandal surrounding historic offences, but this is what people are getting upset about. I suppose it's true what they say about bread & circuses.

I think the issue with Clarkson is that he used to play a character - an unpleasant, arrogant oaf who said controversial things to wind people up. The problem is that it's no longer a character; it's his actual personality.

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okay my two cents:

I like Top Gear. I find it quite amusing and funny, but that shouldn't have any impact on judging the behaviour of the hosts outside the show. On the show you play a character, outside the show you're just another human being, like everyone else. Clarkson is known for treading and even crossing the line of acceptable boundaries. I don't know the details of the situation so I'll reserve judgement on the actual measures taken in this particular instance, but if an offense is comitted, then there should be repercussions regardless of who comitted the offense. All are equal in the eyes of the law and all that.

If that means I won't get to see the last couple of episodes of a TV show, I'm okay with that.

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okay my two cents:

I like Top Gear. I find it quite amusing and funny, but that shouldn't have any impact on judging the behaviour of the hosts outside the show. On the show you play a character, outside the show you're just another human being, like everyone else. Clarkson is known for treading and even crossing the line of acceptable boundaries. I don't know the details of the situation so I'll reserve judgement on the actual measures taken in this particular instance, but if an offense is comitted, then there should be repercussions regardless of who comitted the offense. All are equal in the eyes of the law and all that.

If that means I won't get to see the last couple of episodes of a TV show, I'm okay with that.

He reported himself, and every eyewitness other than him and the producer says he did no such thing.

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This hoo-ha always amuses and slightly confuses me. Apart from physical violence, which is never okay (but appears not to have happened), people making jokes sometimes cross lines. I would even argue it is part of the job. You cannot pay someone a handsome amount of money for doing what Clarkson does and then act all hurt when he crosses the line on occasion. Pilots, doctors and comedians make mistakes in their work. Should they? No, because people get hurt in various ways. Do they? Yes, they are human and mistakes are an occupational hazard.

Added to that, in the case of doctors and pilots people have a point. When Clarkson makes a distasteful remark, do not get your panties in a bunch. Grow up and change the channel. This sounds like the Jonathan Ross thing all over again. The BBC should make up its mind - embrace the modus operandi or quit the whole thing, but stop going back and forth as is convenient. It is fairly cowardly and hypocritical to reap the rewards, only to hit the panic button when someone objects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems that May and Hammond are leaving the show as well. I'm sure other big TV companies are interested in them so I wouldn't be surprised if the three started a new motoring show on some other channel.

I doubt I'll watch the remaining episodes of Top Gear even if BBC does air them at some point. The [snip], as Jeremy put it, don't deserve their 350 million weekly viewers anymore. They killed one of the most popular TV shows they've ever had on their channel and now they will pay the price - 150 million pounds a year.

Edited by Vanamonde
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It seems that May and Hammond are leaving the show as well. I'm sure other big TV companies are interested in them so I wouldn't be surprised if the three started a new motoring show on some other channel.

I understood Clarkson owns the majority of the show, so that might be easier than it seems. I like that the other hosts also quit, it is pretty much the only decent thing to do.

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