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Ship explodes on load 2015

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Hello guys!!

So as the tittle says, my ships explodes when i load my saved game. It starts with the spaceship is "wiggling" alot and then get ripped to pieces and explotions. This has happend a few times now this week and it never happend before! i havent even installed more mods.

I've researced a little, and i think this "thing" happening, is called the "kraken". but thats supposed to be fixed a long time ago right?? And yes, i tried reinstalling the game

if u guys want me to upload a video, so u guys can see how it happens exacly, just tell in the comments.

Mods installed: Interstellar 0.90, B9 aerospace, SCANsat, Near future Solar.

Please help if any1 can :( i really dont have play KSP untill this is fixed, since i basicly cant progress safely.

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This happened to me before, I was in low Mun orbit and I quicksaved a couple kilometres up. I screwed up my landing so I reloaded the save and when everything loaded, it just spontaneously exploded. I don't think I had any mods installed at that point so it's a bug in the stock game.

I fixed it by editing the save file in Notepad, I increased the altitude of the ship by a few metres.

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Do you happen to clip certain parts inside of your ships, perhaps?

I've had a whole boatload of problems like that loading ships from a save or from the tracking station until about a week ago. But I also had Kerbal Joint reinforcement installed, so might not be so similar after all, since it seems to have stopped after I ditched it. :rolleyes:

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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is a solution, for the future, probably you need more struts.

That doesn't sound like the wet noddle-wiggle KJR solves.

a) He said it only happens on ship (re-)load, rather than launch,

B) Given the description, the ship spontaneously starts to oscillate, before being disintegrated by ever greater phantom forces.

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