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Upgrading Old Save/Question about WAK Objects

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I have a request and a question-

I have an old save that I was using over and over again and it (should be) stock (if it isn't then I'll let KSP remove said modded objects)- BUT I have an issue which is that when I add the persistence file to any save folder (I remove a pre-existing persistence file and add this one) that when KSP loads the list of saves games that it bugs out loading an empty screen showing no saves (even when there is saves) and the exit/loading buttons vanish- locking the game. The second I remove the save KSP returns to normal...

I was hoping if someone out there knew a solution to my problem and would help me re-add this to my game (I am using .90 KSP- Windows x32, the save is quite old and people have tried to upgrade it slowly for me but it didn't work... however if someone else would try it again now with .90 that would be nice).



Also- my second question is-

I note that the Whack-A-Kerbal objects have physics, however they do not stay in game. Switch scenes or switch crafts and they will vanish.

So if I were to grab one with a claw and use it as a base of some sort- what would happen if I were to leave it and return? Would the structure of the base be compromised? Or would it remain since it is part of a craft?

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If there is no compatible "persistence.sfs" file in any one (or more) save(s), you cannot load any saves. When you put the file in to the game, was it called "persistence.sfs"? Because the linked file is called "Keypersistence.sfs" and would cause this error.

Version 0.24 should be compatible. There's nothing obviously wrong at the start and end of the file, but I haven't looked that closely. I don't have time to try loading it in-game though.

Interesting question about Whack-A-Kerbal. I've never actually tried that, but I suspect the claw would not attach to one of those objects. If not, I would imagine it will be saved as a part of the ship. I think any other occurrence would be extremely unlikely, unless it is one crashes the game and/or corrupts the save, but I'm just taking educated guesses here. EDIT: It's worth a try though. I suggest using a sandbox save you don't care about, just to be on the safe side.

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