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colliding text in map view

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OS windows 7 home premium 64b

KSP 0.9.0 beta 32b unmodded

trying to match a satellite contract orbit by floating over the flight periapsis marker with the mouse to read the altitude off - text from a contract orbit market appears and collides with the flight info when the markers are close

see https://www.flickr.com/photos/78401139@N06/16642073749/

this is IMO undesirable behavior and wouldn't look very slick in the final version, ideally I'd like to see text not colliding in the map view and color coded text matching the schemes used for the flight and contract orbits would also be nice.

it's possible to workaround by dragging the camera and changing the zoom, at least when the markers aren't too close, but annoying when you're trying to time a burn, I'm using a mousepad which probably makes it more awkward.

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ps I think part of the problem I was having is that the markers on the contract orbit seem to activate their text when the mouse is at a greater range that the flight markers - you can't just move the mouse round to the other side of the pair of markers because the contract nodes always show text first (and the contract nodes show partly redundant information anyway because you can see the target ap/periasis distances by opening the contract info in the map view. afaik there's no other source of the ap/periasis heights for your flight in the map view so IMO the flight markers should take priority.

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