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Unfair parents.


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How about you talk to your sister?

Your parents listen to her, right?

I tried she will not pass on the message.

Anyways things with my patents have gotten a bit better.

I\'m trying my best to live with my sister.

She\'s still bugging me into the verge of insanity.

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She\'s still bugging me into the verge of insanity.

that, quite literally, is the unwritten law of siblings. its never discussed, yet somehow in quite literally all families the siblings will say the same thing about each other for at least a few years, if not longer.

Its not that they decided, lets piss each other off until one of us goes postal and takes an axe to the other\'s face, yet this is pretty much exactly what happens anyways, altho generally without the axe bit.

If you were to ask her the answer would be biased, so there\'s no point, but if some random stranger, or a teacher asked if she thought you drove her absolutely crazy, they\'d get a more honest answer and im sure the answer would be just the same.

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The amazing thing is how much you will grow to love and appreciate that annoying sibling when you no longer get to see her every day.

I speak from experience . . I only get to see my sister maybe once or twice a month, now. Those times are really special now.

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