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My verious ships and what not

What types of ships do you like?  

2,055 members have voted

  1. 1. What types of ships do you like?

    • Munar landers
    • Muner Orbiters
    • Kerbin Orbiters
    • Solar Orbiters
    • Rockets that take you out of the solar system

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These crafts have everything you need to get to land on the Mun and get back to Kerbin. Unfourtuantly I have not yet devised a rocket that can take it there. Download it if you would like to mess around with it, and if you built a nice rocket that carries it, and doesn\'t blow up, post it! I would love to see it.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I found out you dont need to compress the .craft files so i changed the download, also added a different version of the LEM for download! I\'m currently try to (still) make a rocket for them. All craft still use the mods listed below. I will update them as soon as possible!

Also no action shots of the LEM v3 yet but im working on it, and my lack of v14.4 makes it impossible for me to save a mission.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Uploaded a vinilla lander for all ya\'ll non-modders!


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I\'m going to start posting video links in order to not cram up this page with pictures. I hope you like it!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here is the first video i hope you like it:

Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bearzathegamer?feature=guide

Like on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bearzathegamer?ref=tn_tnmn

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Today is a recording day, expect a video.

The ship downloads are at the bottom of the page!

Thanks in advance!

LEM v2 & LEM v3 require

-Novapunch 0_9 alpha

-Lander parts 1.1

-Lander leg 1.2

-Gemini pack

LEM v4 requires

-Nothing! How special does that make you feel? :)

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