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Hi, i know that i h j k l controls rcs but idk wich is wich.

id like to know the two keys that move the rocket left/right for a munar landing. thanks.

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When applying RCS lateral thrust, just use your navball to work out which ones you need to use. It works best if you\'re oriented directly up. If you are, then the I/K is upwards/downwards on the navball, and J/L are right/left on the navball respectively. Also, if you need to apply some extra downwards thrust for whatever reason, or you feel like landing purely with RCS, you can use H/N for up and down in the vertical direction.

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Yep, it can get quite confusing. If you just need to cancel lateral thrust (for a vertical landing, for example), I suggest you keep an eye on the navball, as it\'s the easiest way to tell what direction you\'re moving in and/or are orientated towards.

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Yep, it can get quite confusing. If you just need to cancel lateral thrust (for a vertical landing, for example), I suggest you keep an eye on the navball, as it\'s the easiest way to tell what direction you\'re moving in and/or are orientated towards.


I did say a mun landing and mun landing= vertical

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