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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]


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Well, just ran a quick sanity test, and everything seemed okay. Can you provide a log from when you're recovering tourist(s) to complete a contract? The logic for ditching them is in stock - so really shouldn't be a problem.

There's also a known issue if you recover via the space centre screen - in that case only they do not get cleared properly.

Ok it seems to work fine then. I guess I've always recovered vessels from the tracking station.

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The "investor tour" mission bugs.

I get to recover one of the invsetors. The investor Kerbal duplicates when entering the "tour taxi" module : one stays outside the pod, one is inside near Jeb.

At the end of the tour, requirements met, ship recovered, there's still a taxi ship with the two kerbals ont the KSC and stay there even though I keep on recoreving them.

When I switch back to them, the universe explodes and Kerbin disapears, only the skybox stays visible.

Are you testing the new x64 hack for KSP in Windows? I've the same issue when testing x64. (Sidenote: I expect no support from nightingale or any modder for this.)

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The "investor tour" mission bugs.

I get to recover one of the invsetors. The investor Kerbal duplicates when entering the "tour taxi" module : one stays outside the pod, one is inside near Jeb.

At the end of the tour, requirements met, ship recovered, there's still a taxi ship with the two kerbals ont the KSC and stay there even though I keep on recoreving them.

When I switch back to them, the universe explodes and Kerbin disapears, only the skybox stays visible.

Are you testing the new x64 hack for KSP in Windows? I've the same issue when testing x64. (Sidenote: I expect no support from nightingale or any modder for this.)

What AlphaAsh said. If it isn't x64, then I would need some logs, as it definitely sounds like you're getting some exceptions.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok it seems to work fine then. I guess I've always recovered vessels from the tracking station.

Oh, I wasn't aware it was bugged from the tracking station too, I'll let Arsonide know.

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There is no crash, so no log.

Just duplication of mission kerbals, infinite recover taxi and disparition of berbin with only the skybox visible : Alt-F4 / no log

That's why I send my savegame.

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There is no crash, so no log.

Just duplication of mission kerbals, infinite recover taxi and disparition of berbin with only the skybox visible : Alt-F4 / no log

That's why I send my savegame.

Next time a duplication occurs, keep playing for a bit, switch back to KSC then pause your game. This should give KSP enough time to flush to the log the most recent stuff.

Alt-tab to the desktop, go find KSP.log in the root of your KSP install and let nightingale see that. Also check in KSP_Data folder for an output_log.txt and let him see that. That's the best you can do and will cover all bases.

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Next time a duplication occurs, keep playing for a bit, switch back to KSC then pause your game. This should give KSP enough time to flush to the log the most recent stuff.

Alt-tab to the desktop, go find KSP.log in the root of your KSP install and let nightingale see that. Also check in KSP_Data folder for an output_log.txt and let him see that. That's the best you can do and will cover all bases.

Did that ! Thanks for the explanations.



I hope this helps because contract packs are a "must have" for me.

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Did that ! Thanks for the explanations.



I hope this helps because contract packs are a "must have" for me.

Seeing a few exceptions with Final Frontier.

Back-up your save-games.

Uninstall Final Frontier.

Try to reproduce the duplication issue.

EDIT - Update. I reproduced this problem and then uninstalled Final Frontier. I can no longer reproduce the problem. So there's an incompatability between contracts that spawn kerbals and Final Frontier.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Just wanted to say that this looks awesome and so I downloaded this and a couple of your other mods through CKAN.

Don't know if you get statistics on how many downloads go through it, so I just thought I would let you know here!

That Space Casino looks awesome and having a contract telling me to do something awesome makes me a lot more likely to do it than just having the idea of something awesome.

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Just wanted to say that this looks awesome and so I downloaded this and a couple of your other mods through CKAN.

Don't know if you get statistics on how many downloads go through it, so I just thought I would let you know here!

That Space Casino looks awesome and having a contract telling me to do something awesome makes me a lot more likely to do it than just having the idea of something awesome.

Thanks! That's one reason I would be tempted to move to KerbalStuff for releases - since no, I don't have any real statistics on downloads (but there's other reasons that make it desirable to stay on GitHub).

If you get the Space Casino built, throw up a pic on this thread! If a few people do, I'll add a gallery of user-submitted casinos on the first post. :)

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I just got the investor tour contract offered to me, and I'm a little puzzled. There are two investors and I have to choose which one. There is a mention that the casino is harder, but has a bigger payout. But there is no indication which investor is associated with the casino and which is associated with some other, unspecified project. Makes it kinda hard to make a decision. I think a little more explanation as to what the choices are and which investor represents which choices would be helpful.


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I just got the investor tour contract offered to me, and I'm a little puzzled. There are two investors and I have to choose which one. There is a mention that the casino is harder, but has a bigger payout. But there is no indication which investor is associated with the casino and which is associated with some other, unspecified project. Makes it kinda hard to make a decision. I think a little more explanation as to what the choices are and which investor represents which choices would be helpful.


Well, if you accept the contract you *should* get more details of who is who in the parameter notes - but you're right that it's pretty confusing when seen from the contract window. Raised [#8] to fix it.

As far as the explanation as to what the choices actually are... I wanted to leave it somewhat vague, rather than spelling out what would be required of the player in advance. If you really want to know though:

- Casino needs double the passenger space (100 vs. 50)

- Casino needs way more EC (100,000 vs. 20,000)

Also, the biggest part is:

You'll need to tow four asteroids and dock them to the casino.

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Yeah, call me paranoid, but I'm just hesitant about accepting a contract without knowing what I'm getting into. :)

It wasn't so much wanting to know every detail, but I wasn't even seeing that it was hotel vs. casino, I was just seeing that there seemed to be a casino involved in one of the choices, and no hint as to what the other was.

Hmm, I just accepted it, but I still don't see any more info, using either the normal contract window or dmagic's Contract Window+

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Yeah, call me paranoid, but I'm just hesitant about accepting a contract without knowing what I'm getting into. :)

It wasn't so much wanting to know every detail, but I wasn't even seeing that it was hotel vs. casino, I was just seeing that there seemed to be a casino involved in one of the choices, and no hint as to what the other was.

Hmm, I just accepted it, but I still don't see any more info, using either the normal contract window or dmagic's Contract Window+


Expand the notes - Part Test contracts have trained you to ignore those. :D

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Expand the notes - Part Test contracts have trained you to ignore those. :D

they are expanded in the screenshot. When not expanded, they are just "[+] Note:". When expanded, they have [-].

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EDIT - Update. I reproduced this problem and then uninstalled Final Frontier. I can no longer reproduce the problem. So there's an incompatability between contracts that spawn kerbals and Final Frontier.

What exactly do you mean by "spawn kerbals"? I have not tested Contract-Pack-Tourism yet, so I don't know what this mod does.

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What exactly do you mean by "spawn kerbals"? I have not tested Contract-Pack-Tourism yet, so I don't know what this mod does.

There's a contract that spawns a couple of Kerbals in the game world (similar to the rescue missions).

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@Nereid - The issue is linked to when a kerbal is spawned by a contract EVA. When that kerbal tries to board a vessel, the kerbal is duplicated. One appears IVA. The other continues to hang on the hatch outside.

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Just noticed I had a blank image for the Agent logo on the Contract selection screen. (And the Agent Icon looked rough)

I assume ATM got to them. Does anyone have a ATM config to fix this.


Seems like a good theory. I know that it works fine with default ATM configs that ignore */Agencies/ directories (which is where the icons are).

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