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Contract "Explore the mun"

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My 1st post - Hi all! :)



How does the game work out what you get for contracts? It says the value on completion is 105,000

There are also a few sub-missions worth about 15,000 each (orbit mun, land on mun...) - do you get those in addition to the 105,000?

Are all the contracts fixed or can I wait for a more lucrative "explore the mun" contract?

Addendum - I can't seem to insert a screenshot (is there any way I can just drag and drop a screenshot into my message?)

Edited by Telesto
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You will get 15,000 kerbal bucks each time you complete a goal of the mission. When you complete the last one, you will get the 15,000 for that last goal and then the 105,000 for completing the entire mission.

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I'm fairly sure most of the 'milestone contracts (achieve orbit, explore the Mun, explore Duna etc) are scripted so they're the same every time. You'll get the 15,000 for each stage of the contract, plus the 105,000 when you complete it entirely.

On images, most people get an imgur account and like to the pictures there. Use the (link to picture) tags, or the insert image option in the message reply to make it show up in the message.

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While as mentioned the 'Explore X' missions are pre-determined the payout for completing contracts scales with the number of stars on it. 3-star contracts pay the most, 1-star the least. Explore X scales itself up with distance from Kerbin I think but you can skew the generator in favour of higher level general contracts by having high rep (thats what rep is for)

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Looking back through my saves the mission reward does vary a little from 94,500 upon completion to 124,372 but I don't think the explore missions have an acceptance deadline so they wont respawn with a different reward value like a parts test contract.

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