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Space Plane Part Suggestions???


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Hello, Recently i have become infatuated by Planes and Experimental aircraft of today and yesteryear. If you are reading this and know of any great mods that improve kerbals experience of Spaceplanes that would be awesome!

Thanks for reading :)


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FAR is mandatory if you're serious. Either of the procedural wing mods makes a ridiculous improvement - B9's can take fuel but is a little less mature than DYJs. After that the popular parts mods seem to be B9 ( the proc wings are a standalone part ) and Nertea's Mk4 - not to be confused with TT's Mk4 :rolleyes: - Retrofuture and possibly Firespitter, but not sure how compatible the parts are with 0.90. Taverius' pizza pack has a few bits and pieces which fill some gaps too. You don't need all the parts from all the mods, especially if you're using procedural wings.

There's also AJE which is an attempt at realistic engines - I don't know what it's like currently, it had some odd interactions with other mod installs when I last tried it, but that was at least one major version ago.

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