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what happened to the navigation menu?


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been meaning to ask this for ages; there used to be a little navigation menu on the bottom right of each page on a thread, but it's not there any more. (it's actually been gone for a while now, I've just been way slow in asking about it).

It was not particularly useful for navigating (possible why it got removed?) but it did have one handy use, returning to the parent forum of the thread, without having to scroll all the way up to the top of the page first (yeah, I'm lazy I know).

If the menu's gone that's cool, but could we have a link to the parent forum under the pagination buttons?

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When did you last see this navigation page? I don't ever remember there being such a thing here, and I have been around for quite a while now.
There's a button that says "Top" on the toolbar at the bottom, that may help you. Dunno about the navigation menu, never saw or used it before.

I think it was removed in the last couple months. Pretty sure it was there at the start of the year and before that it's been there as long as I've been a member.

It used to be just under the pagination buttons, so it was right there when you got to the bottom of the thread (whereas the current "Top" link is still a bit further down, under the reply section)

It was a little drop down menu that showed the different sub forums and would be set on the one you where in (so on this thread it would be set to "Kerbal Network", so you could use it to jump straight back there, or you could jump straight to another section).

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