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Deflector shields.. sorta


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I can't tell Newton's law seriously works here or not - it's fluid, not solid - but IMO what would be it's true use ? If I were to shoot directly to the humvee, and my bullets would knock the metals had there's no resistance, what would this device changes ? Does it slows down the bullet (hmm, higher density ? If so, 3rd law, also leaks due to my bullet penetrates the field) ? Or it detonates the bullet (and creating chain reaction of shields) ?

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Looks like someone forgot about Newton's third law. For every action there's an opposite reaction.

If you act with a force on a shield, the shield will react with the equal and opposite force to you. That means that even if you aren't sprinkled by blast particles, you will get kicked into the air like a ragdoll.

Sounds like crap to me, and news designed for people whose only "scientific" knowledge comes from SF movies.

If you're on a bridge and there's a car going to crash into you, if you shoot a rocket and blow a hole in the bridge, the car will fall into the hole and you won't die. This is completely analogues to these shields, and with your line of reasoning shooting the rocket would kill you.

There's a difference between just stopping something and diverting something.

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I can't tell Newton's law seriously works here or not - it's fluid, not solid - but IMO what would be it's true use ? If I were to shoot directly to the humvee, and my bullets would knock the metals had there's no resistance, what would this device changes ? Does it slows down the bullet (hmm, higher density ? If so, 3rd law, also leaks due to my bullet penetrates the field) ? Or it detonates the bullet (and creating chain reaction of shields) ?

This doesn't stop projectiles or shrapnel, just the concussive force from the blast.

The blast wave or sound wave from the explosion can be more destructive than the shrapnel and debris coming from it.

I have no problem with the basic idea of how this works, but I can't see a car or even a ship being able to generate enough power into this air pocket to deflect enough of the blast to be practical.

I had another thought about something similar to this. During a rocket launch they spray water into the exhaust to create steam to buffer the sound waves from the engine to keep the sound from damaging the rocket.

That steam buffer is doing a similar job as the plasma buffer. The problem is that those rocket engines consume massive amounts of fuel. A humvee or ship can't carry around enough fuel and equipment to pull this off and still do its job.

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