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Hello I'm new on the forum not so much on ksp(since .25 or something).

Trying to make an ssto but not so much success.

I have been on duna(rarely) and maybe some other planet buts not to many.

Most of the time,I played around mun and minmus with kethane.

But since .90 kethane doesn't work that well and I hope it isn't a dead mod.

What else?

oh yea it's 6:24am and i have school,genius.

Enough of myself.

what do you goes think about:





and any tips for money making on the career mode?XD

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Hey, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here. :)

SSTOs are very difficult. I mean, really difficult! I myself have built only two designs of SSTOs that actually can get int orbit, and one that could even get back to Kerbin.

Some tips for making money? One technique I've been using is to keep the price of your rocket less than what you will gain the contract you are trying to accomplish. Of course, this isn't always easy, so think outside of the box for your designs! :) Career mode definitely forces me to use totally different parts and building techniques I would otherwise never use in Sandbox.

It's a shame Kethane is no longer supported. Why must the best mods end so abruptly? Anyways, a very good alternative I have heard is Karbonite by RoverDude. As a matter of fact, Karbonite, or a variant of it, will be made stock in the next update!

Welcome! :D

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Welcome aboard!

For making money, reusability of large parts of your spacecraft helps bring back a lot of the cash you spend on rockets. SSTOs will definitely help with the price tag, but do remember that SSTOs can only lift a small percent of what expendable systems can use, so I'd say that the best way to make money is to keep doing those high-profile exploration contracts of the other planets. Those are big money-makers!

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Hello and welcome to the forums!

As for making money: stay on "regular" staged disposable rockets until you can comfortably afford an SSTO. SSTO's save money with each use, but are very expensive to build. Also, solid rocket fuel is cheap, don't be afraid to use nothing but solid rocket boosters in your first stage.

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SSTOs are easy and low part-count up to payloads of 100t - 150t but use a lot of fuel (which is cheap, so who cares).

The first rocket in 'Exploring The System' is a SSTO, as is the 40t launch vehicle in Chapter 7.

Spaceplanes are, of course, a completely different thing and probably not worth working on in 0.90 as 1.0 will change the aerodynamics completely. If you do want a flight-simulator and don't have too much invested in your current designs you may want to install FAR for a better model.

Karbonite really has pretty much replaced Kethane but, again and as mentioned by others, 1.0 will change all that by making resources and mining stock.

Questions, questions:

KSP is awesome.

Kethane is obsolete.

SSTO means Single Stage To Orbit.

Mods are too many and varied to make a single statement, apart from that they can add a lot.

In career mode try to complete as many contracts as possible with each launch. READ the contract and don't accept any you don't think you can do. Part-testing contracts are easy - engines don't need fuel, just need to be 'activated by staging', as do decouplers, etc. - even if that seems pointless ^^. For satellite contracts make sure you go the same way around as the 'dots' on the target orbit; many, many people make the mistake of just getting the height/inclination right while going in completely the wrong direction. 'In flight' test contracts and most EVA ones aren't worth the effort until you have a (Kerbin) aeroplane that can easily land nearby (check the terrain).

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Well thanks you guys.

umm what else...

oh yea

I did just installed far.

Ill be starting a new career mode.

I don't know if by replying to "reply to tread" mean I can reply to all.

although I ask for a tip for money making,I'm in mid game(Kinda) with almost 1m and I need like 6m(something).

As for SSTO's I did manage to get one in orbit but with saber engines but I hope far would help me out in future.

well,thanks and have a great day

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