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Polygon budget?

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There's no set definition for a budget

Usually it's no more than 2k for most parts, but it depends on the part type and size.

For example, a small radial attach part like a battery that is likely to be attached several times to a vessel shouldnt have more than 300-500 poly, while for a large part that's more likely to be used in small amounts like a cockpit it's ok to have up to 5k. But for the average you should aim for something between 1k-2k.

The game should be able to handle your 130k model, but it's WAY above the usual polycount for parts.

Also note that the mesh collider shouldnt have more than 256 polys, stay as low as possible with those, they are expensive.

Unity collider primitives on the other hand are cheap, use them when possible.

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What is it?

* How complicated is it

* How big is it

* How many are going to be in scene at once

Use as many as you need, and as few as possible - remember you're not often really close to models in this game ( note I didn't say never :P ), you can do a lot of detail and trickery in paint. Personally I think it's probably time we started bumping poly budgets a little but for KSP's style there's not often much reason to. Your 130k poly model might look somewhat out of place among all the other less detailed parts.

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KerbalX rocket from Squad is around 62k triangles; around 70 parts IIRC. I'd shoot for something in that neighborhood for an entire ship. Per part I would shoot for no more than 5~10k on average; least possible is always preferred.

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Id say dont limit yourself by polycount too much. For an intire vessel comprised of multiple parts id say 130000 is not too bad. I dont reccomend automatic decimation. Thats more for organic objects or background props. Do it manually instead. for example like





these are from polycount.com

you can also eliminate whole loops or rings where they are not needed by selecting them and pressing delete and selecting collapse edges

But as said 130k triangles isnt bad. Some fps games have upwards to 900k character models. Thats probably more than the entire vab model

Edited by landeTLS
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