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In Game mod delivery to round out parts and give contracts mod scope.

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A long while ago,

in dev note far far away

there was a suggestion by Squad they were looking at an torrent based in game mod delivery system.

There hasn't been any news of late regarding this but I wonder if it isn't something Squad should looking at to solve a number of issues with the current game.

Problem 1) rounding out parts - It's seems no sooner is a suggestion made before the comment is made "there is a mod for that"

)or even that on the what not to suggest list.)

There is and lots of them are brilliant, if mods had an official channel that was even easier to use than the current system to me there should be no qualms with using the good mods.

We've seen the great work various people have down working with the in house team already, this could offer them a way of extending that working relationship.

It would seem to me that the new VAB part organisation may help in this regards as mods could be treated as part companies.

Squad could also treat the stock parts as a mod companies that could then tweak parts as they want and push them out outside of regular update.

Leave the updates for the core of the game code.

Problem 2) part test contracts are boring and grindy.

Why because ultimately like satellite contracts they are just meaningless ways to get funds, they don't build the main storyline or a story arc.

There might be a bit a challenge in them but that wears off quickly.

So what if part testing was a beta testing system for mods before installing, instead of just randomly generated?

A modder could register to deliver mods on the stock system, part of that mod pack would be test contracts.

When the player hits the run test button the part runs some test code and game monitors say frame rate or other measures to see if the part passes or fails.

Pass or fail the player gets the contract funds. (in sandbox you could search any mod and just use it including hit the run test button at random times just for fun)

Mods could have a reputation score, as they pass tests they get a higher reputation the higher the rep the more players get offered the test contract for the mod.

To me as a player these contract them have a purpose not just to me but to the community. Which take out a lot of the grind.

Also it opens up a vast amount of game scope meaning mod parts might need to introduce new contract types with new challanges to replicate certain bugs.

Just something that keeps coming to mind wondering what others think now we are getting close to release.

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