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Mainsail is asymmetric


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I recently noticed that the Mainsail is asymmetric, i find it weird and i hope that this kind of little "bug" will be fixed in 1.0, they aren't good things for a the complete game, even if it's "small things"

I wonder if that's related to the thrust being slightly off-center (or was that the Skipper?). Anyhow, some of the engines have minor deviations in their default thrust vector, which isn't good :/

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You could get vens stock revamp though. Don't know if he fixes the asymmetry or not.

It's possible to start a thread without people suggesting "use that mod, use that..."

Mod is not always a solution.


I also noticed that the game is FULL of thing that is completely useless, for example from a famous bug (

1.50 ) you can see that the "KIA" picture is still in game, if it is not used anymore why leaving inside? It still use memory (yes little amount)
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It's probably because you offsetted it with angle snap on.

Angle snap make the two nodes PERFECTLY linear (try it, use an antenna and place with surface attachment, then use offset with absolute + snap and you can easily center it exactly in the middle).

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Angle snap make the two nodes PERFECTLY linear (try it, use an antenna and place with surface attachment, then use offset with absolute + snap and you can easily center it exactly in the middle).

Only if you've got it to local mode. If it's in the other mode then it will lock to the VAB.

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It's possible to start a thread without people suggesting "use that mod, use that..."

Mod is not always a solution.

That's a huge pet peeve of mine too. There's a mod for everything, we all know that, there's no point bringing it up when discussing issues or suggestions for the stock game.

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That's a huge pet peeve of mine too. There's a mod for everything, we all know that, there's no point bringing it up when discussing issues or suggestions for the stock game.

Perhaps y'all should read it less as a, "Here's a smartass suggestion to shut you down," and more of a, "Just in case you didn't know, there's a mod you can use to fix the problem on your end (without impacting your contention that this is something innately wrong that should be fixed by the KSP devs)."

That's a serious suggestion, not intended as snark. I know that's how I mean it whenever I reply something along the lines of "there's a mod for that." Not meant as a "shut up and move along" but as a real, helpful "just in case you didn't know" suggestion.

(I'm also not claiming that's how it's always intended by the poster. I honestly couldn't know that. Just pointing out a way we can give each other some credit and maybe not get angry at one another.)

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That's a huge pet peeve of mine too. There's a mod for everything, we all know that, there's no point bringing it up when discussing issues or suggestions for the stock game.

It only becomes a peeve for me if people present the mods as if they're a long-term fix for the issue, rather than a workaround... If someone says, "Yes, Squad should fix this, but until then, you can always use <X> mod as a workaround", that's fine. It's only a problem when someone comes along with "No need for stock fixing! <X> mod fixes that!".

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Perhaps y'all should read it less as a, "Here's a smartass suggestion to shut you down," and more of a, "Just in case you didn't know, there's a mod you can use to fix the problem on your end (without impacting your contention that this is something innately wrong that should be fixed by the KSP devs)."

That's a serious suggestion, not intended as snark. I know that's how I mean it whenever I reply something along the lines of "there's a mod for that." Not meant as a "shut up and move along" but as a real, helpful "just in case you didn't know" suggestion.

(I'm also not claiming that's how it's always intended by the poster. I honestly couldn't know that. Just pointing out a way we can give each other some credit and maybe not get angry at one another.)

^^^This. You can't control other people, but you can control how you react to them.

Back on topic, though, I haven't noticed the asymmetry affect my flight characteristics since the Mainsail can gimbal anyway.

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It's possible to start a thread without people suggesting "use that mod, use that..."

Mod is not always a solution.


I also noticed that the game is FULL of thing that is completely useless, for example from a famous bug (

1.50 ) you can see that the "KIA" picture is still in game, if it is not used anymore why leaving inside? It still use memory (yes little amount)

The ´supernova´ at the end of the video looks cool - maybe it should be the end game scenario? You have x years (adjustable by difficulty level) to, i dunno, get some kerbals to safety somewhere (even if that somewhere doesnt get shown explicitely)... or to stop it going nova (by some super science).

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If you don't want to talk about mods, perhaps tag the thread as [stock] like people do elsewhere. I couldn't see anything in the OP that mentioned "TAKE YOUR MODS AND EFF OFF, PURISTS ONLY"...

[stock] is referred to stock craft, not to "Thread without talking about mod".

Purist? Are you serious? This is a bug. A BUG. Mod CAN'T be a good solution for a BUG, and since 1.0 should look for bug fix there's no need to talk about mod.

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I didn't mean to start a minor firestorm just by suggesting that vens stock revamp might fix it.

I wasn't referring to you, is normal to suggest mod, even if this is not the case. It's people that want to justify it at all costs.

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I also noticed that the game is FULL of thing that is completely useless, for example from a famous bug (

1.50 ) you can see that the "KIA" picture is still in game, if it is not used anymore why leaving inside? It still use memory (yes little amount)

The KIA screen was never supposed to be removed. Its dissapearance was an error, not its remaining in the game.

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The KIA screen was never supposed to be removed. Its dissapearance was an error, not its remaining in the game.

Source? I didn't know this thing, an "error" which still is here from about 10 version it's weird.

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Posted this reply on the reddit thread for this too:

It's funny the kinds of mistakes you can find when you start scrutinizing the stock parts. Most of the time they look fine, but there are problems. For instance, if you've ever flipped one of the SLS SRBs upside-down, there are some texture problems with incorrect color bleeding on the underside of the ribs. Some of the stack attachment nodes on various parts have a small amount of overlap, and others don't. The diameters aren't always 100% consistent. And so on.

But I'll also add...

For my part-modding, I've always tried to be super careful about making things centered, and consistent diameters, and so on. The places where I've deviated from that, have usually been intentional to match up with what stock did. I find that I have to spend a lot of time in the stock part CFGs to see how big the existing parts really are, within their own scales, based on the attachment nodes.

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For my part-modding, I've always tried to be super careful about making things centered, and consistent diameters, and so on. The places where I've deviated from that, have usually been intentional to match up with what stock did. I find that I have to spend a lot of time in the stock part CFGs to see how big the existing parts really are, within their own scales, based on the attachment nodes.

It's "funny" that actually modders care more about their models than devs..

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I hate this bug so much, especially when trying to sink the engine into 2.5m tanks. I've always thought it was an ugly engine, and I tend to use the skipper for upper stages, and the KR-2L for lower ones.

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