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Sea-Level Lander for Eve

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This is a lander I just finished today. It is capable of landing at sea level on Eve and then getting back into orbit with about 1000 m/s delta-V to spare. This is enough to (just barely) leave Eve's SOI. I'm not necessarily sure if it will land in water, however, but it will get to orbit from under 500 meters above the ocean.


I have yet to build the main tug for it when it re-orbits. It will quite obviously be an enormous tug.

The orbit (note apoapsis and periapsis heights from Kerbal Engineer):


So that's all. I just wanted to show it off as it turned out relatively well, although it is pretty much strutted to death. I certainly didn't focus on aesthetics.

You can grab it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/br65r6yj50erm0m/Eve%207_1.craft?dl=0

Note: This craft was built for me for the Eve Rocks challenge on Jebediah's level, so I have no parachutes. I also haven't put ladders down yet. All the rest of the craft will be completed in the next few days. NO part clipping was used. As you can see in the above couple of pictures, I have mods. These mods are ONLY for VISUAL ENHANCEMENTS and INFORMATION. I also don't use MechJeb.

Mods: Better Atmospheres

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Destruction Effects

Collision FX


Distant Object Enhancement

Hot Rockets

Texture Replacer

Active Texture Management

Edited by JackDugan
Accidentally posted too early
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Nice job! This remains one of the toughest things to do in KSP.

I'm guessing you are leaving the bottom stage on Eve?

Yes, definitely, but I use the remaining delta-V in the bottom stage to get a bit of a boost into the air first because of its high TWR.

- - - Updated - - -

That is a less-than-orthodox but more-than-spectacular design! Good work!

It is the Kerbal way.

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