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Ambient Noise Around Space Centre: Possible oversight

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Hey, uh... i signed up just to post this, basically.

The KSC has birdsong even at midnight. it should be easy just to add ambient night noises, right?

Like for instance, crickets, owls or a wolf howling if its a full moon :sticktongue:

Hope this was useful, i look forward to posting more useful threads


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Hey, uh... i signed up just to post this, basically.

The KSC has birdsong even at midnight. it should be easy just to add ambient night noises, right?

Like for instance, crickets, owls or a wolf howling if its a full moon :sticktongue:

Hope this was useful, i look forward to posting more useful threads


Plus, I think these sounds should play in-flight when you're around KSC or on Kerbin.

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Yeah but they should also have the sounds you suggested all around kerbin so when you go near a large amount of trees you might be able to hear a bird singing. Sounds like these would make the game more interesting especially when going across the open plains of kerbin.

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