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[WIP] Craft Extractor


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From time to time I see questions along the lines of "How does one extract a .craft from a .sfs"

Well, I got curious and did some research, and quickly discovered that there was a "little" more to it than merely finding your craft in the .sfs and paste the block into a .craft.

But ofcourse, it should still be possible, so I decided to try make a webtool (a.k.a. dirty perl hack), and the idea of the finished tool is this:

- Upload your .sfs

- Script processes it and builds .craft files

- Select the one(s) you're interested in for download

Maybe with a few options like "exclude debris".

Now, I'm slowly but surely working my way through the differences of the two formats. While they are similar, there are some fundamental differences, such as the part ID being a part of the part name instead of on a separate line. Easy enough, a regex solves that.

Now i've come to the position and rotation part of the two files. In the .craft I assume it's relative to some point in the VAB, but what about in the .sfs? Centre of mass of whatever body you're orbiting?

Is there any documentation of these two file formats? Google has given me some, but it's mostly research done by others who have also been going by intuition, guesswork, as well as trial and error.

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