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Scrubbed Mission -or- Not-so-good Friday


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Mission Number 54

Objective: Munar Station 1 is stranded in LMO, without enough fuel to burn to the surface. Dock and re-fuel Munar Station1

Secondary Objective: Place probe with warm liquid goo phase in equatorial orbit, with Apoapsis and Periapsis beyond Munar orbit.



Probe and refuel dual-purpose vessel. After much tweaking and refining of our standard probe delivery lifter we have a setup that should be able to carry a significant fuel load to Mun Station1.


The modified lifter still has less dV than the standard lifter, but additions to the probe to allow for docking, and RCS have significantly increased probe weight.


Probe attains orbit and should have close to 1000 m/s of fuel to transfer to Mun Station 1


Maneuver node set in and ready to execute. Hey! Why can't we change heading?

Synopsis: Weight of probe and transfer vehicle significantly increased over standard lifting vehicle.

Actions and recommendations. Set maneuver node to eject probe from Kerbin system to prevent debris accumulation. Recommend moving reaction wheel to top of stack. Ship had no trouble turning for gravity turn, anticipate that will cure control problems. Check change in final stage dV, if significant, consider adding additional side SRBs to first stage. Consider placing decoupler between RCS/docking port and probe if dV becomes an issue for final probe placement.

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