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Thinking of repairing old laptop.


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Well I have this old XP Sony Vaio(Don\'t know model.)

All it needs is a new screen and a new battery.

The screen got cracked in an incident. So how much would this all cost?

(I got the battery model at least, it\'s number is: PCGA-BP71.)

Oh yeah the laptops keyboard also got damaged, I\'ll need a wireless one along with a mouse.

(I can\'t stand laptop trackpads.)

I\'ll get the model number: PCG-953A.

Looks like it was Windows Me....

I might upgrade it later.

Since I have spare XP discs.

Also it makes a little ding when I try to turn it on...

It sounds like its coming from inside...

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You can probably get a new one with better screen resolution, weight, and technical specifications for only slightly more than what it would cost to repair yours.

For example, $450 can get you a 15.6' laptop with:

  • [li]Intel Core i3 2350M(2.30GHz)[/li]
    [li]4GB Memory DDR3 1333Mhz[/li]
    [li]500GB HDD 5400rpm[/li]
    [li]DVD Super Multi[/li]
    [li]Intel HD Graphics 3000 [/li]

all on a Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium OS.

Of course, I consider XP an embarrassment with windows 7 available, and like to be on the bleeding edge or close to ;P

YMMV, but I would consider this a better deal than even a $100 repair and refit.

If you need a new screen, a new wireless keyboard and mouse, as well as a new battery, I think $100 is generous.

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You can probably get a new one with better screen resolution, weight, and technical specifications for only slightly more than what it would cost to repair yours.

For example, $450 can get you a

15.6' laptop with:

Intel Core i3 2350M(2.30GHz)

4GB Memory DDR3 1333Mhz

500GB HDD 5400rpm

DVD Super Multi

Intel HD Graphics 3000

That\'s how much it would cost to repair my laptop 0_o...

I think we have a spare monitor I could use, though.

All I would need is the battery which I can buy from Ebay for $20.00

I can get a Microsoft wireless desktop 800 for $23.

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Unless you have a sentimental attachment or something to it, I\'d heartily recommend a new one.

Yeah me and my mom where just talking about it, I\'m checking if game stop will take my Tablet.

It doesn\'t have any personal engravings or anything so it\'s worth a shot.

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Of course, I consider XP an embarrassment with windows 7 available, and like to be on the bleeding edge or close to ;P

I need to step in here, lol, Vista quite thoroughly grabbed that crown, and while Windows 8 looks set to fight over it, Xp is quite safe from being tagged an embarrassment imo.

If it came with Xp, then it predates Vista most likely, which makes that a rather old laptop. You really are better off putting any money that might have gone into repairs, into a new laptop as Cardgame suggests.

Buying parts through eBay is a gamble. you might get a good long run, or you might get a near dud. They might have had a long life already with the person selling them, and be ready to up and die without warning. buying parts through eBay is like buying refurbished parts, except there isn\'t a warranty or manufacturer reputation behind it, nor has it first passed a quality control to ensure its still up to par.

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