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KSP crashes constantly anfter latest update

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I reciently updated KSP and every attempt to load up the game results in it crashing either half way through loading or upon compleating loading but before the game starts.

I've tried a fresh install incase it was a corrupted download, reducing all the settings to minimum and disabling everything possible in the launcher, and still get the same problem.

link to the error log


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That log isn't very helpful for what you are having problems with. If you don't mind, we really need the output_log.txt to be able to see what's going on.

Welcome to the forums! :D



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That log isn't very helpful for what you are having problems with. If you don't mind, we really need the output_log.txt to be able to see what's going on.

Welcome to the forums! :D



there is no output_log.txt file. the only files created are "crash.dmp" "error.log" and "report.ini" and error.log is the only one with anything in it.

none of the error folders from the crashes contain an output_log file

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If you'll take a moment to read the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide, you'll see that there's always an output_log.txt or Player.log generated, though it's location depends on your platform & OS.

yes I've looked in those locations, as well as done a search of my entire hard drive no output_log.txt file was found anywhere. the only files that were generated when KSP crashed were "crash.dmp" "error.log" and "report.ini"

and i only disabled the setting for creating the log file on my final attempt to get the program to work when I had already disabled everything else. (all that did was allow it to reach 100% loaded before crashing) when I have time I'll try again and see if the next crash produces an output_log file.

until then all I can say about the crash is that it always occurs either while loading one of the cockpit internals or upon compleation of the loading screen at which point KSP just closes, (no freezing, no error messages, nothing just closes and switches back to desktop)

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Well, without an output_log file, it's hard to tell if something else is causing problems. So all I can do is give you the standard spiels...

- So, make sure that you have granted an exception for KSP for your virus scanner, so that it isn't interfering.

- Make sure the files are not set to Read-Only.

- Try running it directly from KSP.exe

- If you currently have (looks like it's in C:\Kerbal Space Program\), or have ever had, your copy of KSP installed to a place such as Program Files, Documents, or on the Desktop, then COPY and paste it somewhere else. If you move it, windows will still interfere. (This has been the culprit in several of these crash problems lately.)

- Make sure your video drivers are up to date.

- Make sure direct x is up to date.

- Try using the -force-opengl flag (might cause graphics problems)

- Kill or disable as many other programs as you can before running KSP.

- Try another fresh download and install. Again, make sure to not put it in a windows protected area.



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thanks I'll give those tips a try later, the current install was a fresh download (i figured it could have been a corrupted file when I updated as that has happened with other programs before) but that had no effect.

and yes I did try booting directly from ksp.exe as well as launcher.exe

closing all other programs was one of the first things I tried

it's installed in c:\kerbal space program, which is the only place I've had the program installed since I first downloaded it. the only other copy I have is the 0.25 version I downloaded after the crash which is installed on a seprate hard drive (which works fine with no errors)

I'll give the -force-opengl flag a try later and double check the read/write status of the files.

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In addition to the -force-opengl flag, you might try reducing the texture quality. You can do that from the settings in Launcher (click on the white gear), or by editing the settings.cfg in Notepad. Start with TEXTURE_QUALITY = 3, which reduces the textures to 1/8th their original size.

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