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Kerbal for breakfast. Hello all!


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Hello everybody. Name here is Don. I wanted to get started here by letting everyone know I need AA for this game because im so addicted that i play before i go to work and when i get home! Every weekend. I love this ....do i dare say game? It's much more the that. I have .90 and have a few mods. This is the first time i played a demo and with in hours I paid for the full version. Thake you Dev's! Keep it growing. I WILL CONTINUE to tell everyone i know to try the ....Game?

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Welcome, n9udt! Trust me, buying KSP is the best investment you'll ever make. KSP rekindled my dying interest in astronomy and rocketry and to this day since has kept that raging adoration going strong. I've learned a lot, become a new person, and fallen in love with all you guys at the forum! Don't be scared of KSP, it's your friend! :)

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