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Mobile Lunch Platform. Part RV, Part Launch Pad, All Truck

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A Facebook group post of a Kerbal wingsuit inspired me to make a powered version of the wingsuit emulating the famous Jetman.

I also wanted to streamline deploying Jeb "Jetman" Kerman and give him a place to stay in between performances so I wanted a vehicle that had both the flight-ready wingsuit plus a crew module so I didn't have to switch between multiple objects to fly the wingsuit, which consists of a command chair strapped to the tiniest rocket motor, a 35cm mini aerospike from the Sounding Rockets mod.

To construct this vehicle I simply ripped out the fuel tank from a fuel truck and put a B9 crew tank in its place like a modern Supercab type truck, then used the remaining chassis length for a flatbed section with a upturned ladder to allow Jeb "Jetman" to climb up into his tiny chariot of awesomeness.

This vehicle is termed the Mobile Lunch Platform as it combines the positive virtues of both a RV and a truck-based launch platform for drones, miniature aircraft, cruise rockets or whatever you could fit on the flatbed section.

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I will be conducting flight tests and producing the Jetman themed video later this weekend, due to a busy work schedule.

Edited by pandoras kitten
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