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VAB "My Menu" option

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I've been around long enough to watch the number of parts available skyrocket. Something I've long wanted is an in-game way to filter parts within the VAB user interface.

Even something as simple as a "favorites" flag would really help. Right now the game displays all unlocked parts (or all parts if in sandbox), which leads to many pages on some of the tabs. Having to click to page 2 or 3 to get to the fuel line every time is super irritating.

What I'm suggesting is that the game have an additional filter (in addition to "is unlocked"). Something like "is favorite" or "is in MyMenu N", which would allow the user to select which parts show up in the VAB interface.

If you let me build multiple menus, I can have one with the parts I use all the time, one specialized for probes, one for heavy lifters, one for landers, etc. This obviously presupposes a convenient way to flip between filters.

The number of parts I actually use in most of my craft designs is small enough to fit on a single page per tab. In order to improve access to those parts, I find myself deleting my less-frequently-used parts from the game folder entirely. Which certainly isn't an optimal solution.

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If you just want tabs with a specific set of parts, it's stock.

Click the arrows above the tab list to open advanced mode, click the grey button with the plus symbol, start adding parts to your own category. If you want something a bit more automated, Filter Extensions is your friend

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