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Unicycles: One wheel to rule them all

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Hi everyone, I think that it is time for a challenge: Who can build the best unicycle?

By Unicycle, other than the obvious details (One wheel and Kerballed), it is all up to you!

Challenge criteria/categories:

"I couldn't afford the extra wheels": Build the cheapest unicycle that you can!

"Adorabalance": Build the "cutest" craft possible! (Rated collectively by myself and other posters on the thread)

"Lopsided-Cycle": Build the most asymmetric cycle you can!

"Long range riding": Land on another planet with your unicycle!

"Monster Wheel": Use the XL3 (Or bigger, mods and stock bearings are allowed) wheel! Build the biggest cycle!

"Stable cycle": How high is your maximum turning speed?

"Stunts (Wheelies don't count)": Backflips? Barrel rolls? What cool tricks can you do?

"Wobbly speed demon": How high is your top speed? (Rocket cycles allowed)

1-Major999: 539m/s

2-Fire219: 324m/s

3-Darren9: 249m/s

3.5-Norpo (See Below)

4-Slam_Jones: 120m/s

Cool cycles that do not fit a category/tempt the kracken will be placed here:

Norpo: The Ladder-Drive Unicycle (129m/s)

As usual: pics or it didn't happen. Good luck!

Edited by Major999
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Hehehe, here's one I can up with a while ago for my Go-Kart challenge...


Turns like it's made of bricks (that is to say, not very well), but with that Jet engine it can get up to 120ish m/s before launching off the end of the runway. :)

Note: extensive Tweakscale was used in the creation.

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I doubt this is a valid entry, but what the hey.

I present..

The Ladder-Drive Unicycle!

(Pilot: Pepe Kerman)


(I've since made some improvements, but the game crashed before I could test them)

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Hehehe, here's one I can up with a while ago for my Go-Kart challenge...


Turns like it's made of bricks (that is to say, not very well), but with that Jet engine it can get up to 120ish m/s before launching off the end of the runway. :)

Note: extensive Tweakscale was used in the creation.

whats the kerbal wearing?

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I have a possible idea using IR, however, does it absolutely have to be a wheel or can it be wheel-like?

IR model rework has some vertically attaching wheels which could work, but that sort of makes the challenge a bit easier.

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There is my entry, going for asthetics.

I doubt this is a valid entry, but what the hey.

I present..

The Ladder-Drive Unicycle!

You kidding? First pedal powered unicycle in the game! That is fine, I'll accept the entry.

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I decided to try to do this in stock (since my KSP install is currently almost stock for other challenges).

So here is the SuperUnicycle, made completely out of stock parts (except for use of TweakScale).

324m/s :)

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I have a possible idea using IR, however, does it absolutely have to be a wheel or can it be wheel-like?

IR model rework has some vertically attaching wheels which could work, but that sort of makes the challenge a bit easier.

Major999, what about this question?

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This is what I was trying to do with IR, unfortunately, I couldn't get the rest of the thing to not rotate with the wheel.


I don't think mono-track vehichles count, but heres one while I was testing out something new. The pod is from RoverDudes exploration pack.


One with an actual wheel. Turning capability is provided by the strong SAS, and is really prone to crashing due to overcorrecting and also to smashing the batteries and panels on the edge. Planning on sending this to the Mun and Minmus.


Landing at Minmus. Same craft as above, just modified a bit for flight, and I moved the batteries on top to make it less destroyable, probably a bit better balanced that way too.


I should note that staying upright is ridicuolously easy on Minmus, especially if the body of your craft IS an SAS. See that disk? It's the 100 strength SAS from B9 Aerospace. The Mun should be way more fun.


Landing on Mun




...., leaned back too far


R.I.P Cambart Kerman


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