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Hazards - KSP-based short novel


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~~~It was a clear sky. The Kerbal Space Center was shimmering with the equatorial sunlight, as thousands of Kerbals gathered to witness history - it was the launching of an incredible space feat - a telescope, bigger than a jetliner's cabin, and could take images farther than Kerbals ever abided for. It was ever more powerful than Kerbals would need.

It was a risky mission. The Shuttle was never designed to handle this much payload. It was deemed safe, according to scientific research and calculations, but the margin of error is small. Any single degree off course could send the shuttle burning itself apart. "Dangerous, but possible", said a mission controller during an interview.

It was launch day. Space Shuttle Virginia was sitting on the launchpad, it's three nozzles vectoring and pivoting in unison. The seven kerbonauts were aboard, suiting up for the launch. They were about to make history, with one of the riskiest space missions in history.

"So, we're going to get the scope onto a course for the Mun, and release it? Are they crazy?" Exclaimed Eugene, who was ranting to Mission control on how exactly they will get the shuttle to such a trajectory.

"Relax, Gene. This is just like any other shuttle launch!" Answered Bobak, who was the capcom controller. One could tell that he was a bit shaky, too.

"Tee-minus thirty seconds, Virginia. "

"Sound suppression water system has been activated." The shuttle was really starting to rumble.

"Tee-minus Ten. Nine. Eight."

"H-holy cow.."

"Seven. Six. Engine Sequence Start."

The main shuttle engines ignite, and the launchpad is vibrating with the roar of three robust engines. They guzzle the fuel up at a rate of a thirsty giant.

"It's running!!"

"Four. Three. Two. One.."

And.. at that moment, a sudden, deafening crackle echoed through the Space Center to the awakening of two gargantuar boosters. It was roaring, blasting flames out of it's nozzle without mercy.

The shuttle was lifting off.

Mission control clapped in excitement and relief. At least the engines have done their job.

Meanwhile, at the crew compartment, it was a different world. It was horrifying for them. It's going to cost them their lives if they don't do this correctly. Every maneuver and reaction was monitored meticulously.

"Roger Roll, Virginia."


A tense eight minutes passed before the Shuttle's clustered trio of engines sipped up their last sliver of fuel. The shuttle was in space. It was time to fire the OMS engines to get it to orbit.. then later to the sphere of influence of the Mun. The shuttle was never equipped to attempt this, but Virginia was retrofitted to do so anyways.

"Alright, Patald, Input the ignition sequence of the thrusters. Burn time is going to be approximately.. two minutes. Burn starts at four minutes from now."

"Yes, Commander." Answered Patald, the shuttle's pilot.

After the dialing of numbers and codes, it was going to start it's long orbital insertion towards the Mun.

"Three.. Two.. One.. Mark!" Said the shuttle's commander, Barden Kerman.

An agonizing two minutes passed, and the shuttle was in an encounter.

"This spacewalk is going to be performed by Mission Specialists Gene and Sheleney. Start putting on your suits."

"Alright, Bobak. Gene, let's go."

After the process, they got to the airlock.

"This is Mission Specialist Gene Kerman, reporting from Virginia. We're ready."

"Virginia, report when ready.

David and Gene got out of the lock, and started their long and dangerous Extra-Vehicular Activity. Gene gazed, and saw the day side of Kerbin, covered with the rays of the Sun, with such blending ocean textures and amazing natural sights. The Shuttle had it's huge cargo bays opened, revealing a long, huge payload with the words written on it "Solar Imaging Telescope." The Shuttle's wing had the words written on it in Helvetica, "Virginia".

The telescope was out of the bay after the long, hard efforts Sheleney and Gene took to push the telescope out. It was abound for Solar orbit, as the trajectory will send it out to the Solar System.The crew now had to get out of the Mun's sphere of influence and return to Kerbin.

The computers started to calculate the burns needed, and the engine fired.


A beeping warning started to sound off, and indicated that the Shuttle had too little fuel to make it back home, and only managed getting outof the Mun's grasp.

"Mission Control.."

"Virginia, copy. Is there a problem?"

"The engines are gone. Fuel out, nothing we can do."

The whole of mission control was baffled to hear that message.

"Virginia, is there any possible source of fuel you can use? "

"None. Fuel drained out."

"Mission abort. I repeat, mission abort. Rescue shuttle underway. Arrival is at most three days."

"Are you crazy, Bobak? There's no way we can get a shuttle to dock with Virginia! They'd be gone by the time it arrives!"

"David, It's crazy. I know that. But there is no damned way we are going to lose seven crew again. It happened to Challenger and Columbia, we can't let it happen again. Fourteen crew have lost their lives already, and there is no way I'm going to let that happen to Virginia. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Phone R&D, we need immediate assistance. Virginia is stranded."

Within minutes, Wernher was at the building, along with some engineering staff.

"Listen, Virginia is stranded in orbit. The OMS engines won't ignite. They're out of fuel."

"Bobak, the only way you'll get them home is by rescue craft. That shuttle lasts about two weeks in orbit. It should be possible." Replied Wernher, a senior rocket scientist.

"Engineering, I want you to call off KTS-114, and use Arizona to dock with Virginia. It should accomodate nine. two for rescue crew."


Weeks passed. Mission Control had cut off communication with Virginia, and their fate seemed to be sealed. It was only a day before they'd run out of supplies and oxygen. It seemed to be hopeless for them. If their rescue shuttle wasn't going to arrive within days, it meant certain death.

"Virginia, Virginia, Rescue Shuttle Arizona is underway. Do you copy?"

"Copy, Mission Control. "

Another agonizing eight minutes passed before Arizona was in orbit. Setting up the rendezvous was difficult.

"Final encounter point is 14.5 km separation. Be ready for another OMS Burn."

Only a few kilometers separated the seven crew from their lives. Arizona docked to the stranded shuttle.

"Docking complete. Crew transfer underway."


The shuttle blazed in the orange glow of reentry. A long trail of flames was trailing past as the shuttle rattled through the atmosphere. It was gliding quickly to Insular Airfield, with tons of news reporters waiting. It was a harrowing experience.

The shuttle kissed the ground softly, and kept running.

"Chute deployed!"

It rolled to a halt. They were back on their homeland.


"Solar Imager, Fully functional. Ready for duty."

"For science, everyone. For science."

This was dedicated to the fourteen crew who sacrificed their lives for the greater good of mankind, in 1986 and 2003, whe their shuttles broke apart, taking with them their lives. May they rest in peace.

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