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How to add a key binding?

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Write your own code to monitor for the keypress and toggle the action group

// put this in Update
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Key)) // put your KeyCode here

Is there any way to integrate this to the KSP key binding system or do I need to create my own?

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If you want to tie it to a KSP binding (yaw left, brakes, etc.) instead of a specific key, you use

if (GameSettings.*Action*.GetKeyDown()) // where action would probably be brakes in your case
// do things

Edited by Crzyrndm
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If you want to tie it to a KSP binding (yaw left, brakes, etc.) instead of a specific key, you use

if (GameSettings.*Action*.GetKeyDown()) // where action would probably be brakes in your case
// do things

I mean, is there a way to add my keybinding to the KSP keybinding system? Or do I just have to make my own keybinding system?

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To my knowledge, no, you can only add a bunch of your own monitoring code. Even if you could, there isn't much/any chance of it being simpler than the first snippet above.

If the issue is making it configurable, yes, you're going to have to write your own save/load method to remember which KeyCode was needed.

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To my knowledge, no, you can only add a bunch of your own monitoring code. Even if you could, there isn't much/any chance of it being simpler than the first snippet above.

If the issue is making it configurable, yes, you're going to have to write your own save/load method to remember which KeyCode was needed.

Alright, thanks!

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Welcome to my world. :P

I can confirm that there is no way to add your own stuff to KSP's keybinding system, you have to write your own system completely if you want to do this.

I've done this to differently levels for 3 different mods if you want to check those out.

The trickiest thing is that you have to save KeyCode data to disk as strings, so when you save use "KeyCodeObject.ToString()" and then convert that from a string back to a KeyCode when loading with "KeyCodeObject = (KeyCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), KeyCodeObejctString);

Hope that helps,


Edited by Diazo
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One trick with types that implement IConfigNode is that you can get persistence practically for free inside certain types (ScenarioModules and PartModules):

[KSPScenario(ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames, new[] { GameScenes.SPACECENTER })]
public class ScenarioModuleKeyBindingPersistence : ScenarioModule
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] // note: must be marked KSPField, persistent
private KeyBinding myBinding = new KeyBinding();

// note: none of the persistent fields have been set yet
public override void OnAwake()

// persistent fields have been serialized by now
private void Start()
print("Start - KeyBindingPersistence - key is set to " + myBinding.primary);

Otherwise you'd want to be using KeyBinding.Save/Load. A verbose example:

public class AddonKeyBindingPersistence : MonoBehaviour
private KeyBinding myBinding = new KeyBinding();

private void Start()
if (File.Exists(GetConfigFilePath()))

print("myBinding is currently " + myBinding);

private void OnDestroy()

private void LoadSettings()
var config = ConfigNode.Load(GetConfigFilePath());
myBinding.Load(config.GetNode("MyBinding") ?? DefaultKeyBindingNode()); // KeyBinding will throw an exception on badly formed ConfigNodes

private void SaveSettings()
var config = new ConfigNode("MyAddonSettings");

private string GetConfigFilePath()
var dllDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyLoader.GetPathByType(typeof(AddonKeyBindingPersistence)));

if (!Directory.Exists(dllDir))

return Path.Combine(dllDir, "settings.cfg");

private static ConfigNode DefaultKeyBindingNode()
var node = new ConfigNode();
new KeyBinding(KeyCode.None).Save(node);
return node;
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, false)]

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