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Alien Ruins or Other Landbased Sites to Explorer


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Hi all, Was just thinking that it would be something cool to be able to have an add on that adds in ruins or other landmarks to items to Kerbin and the other planets as kinds of things to explorer or find. Possibly even a story/Mission of Exploration.

Thanks, WMC

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Have you been to the Desert Temple or the Old KSC on Kerbin yet? There's also the Vall-henge, the Face of Duna and the Mohole. If that isn't enough just remember that I cannot remember the rest of the stock Easter eggs and that there is Kerbin-Side which has a pack that adds more land based sites to explore and find. Link= http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-90-Kerbin-Side-v0-41-Go-For-Multi-Launch!

The Ancient Anomalies pack is at the bottom of the list. Just remember to install the textures and Kerbal konstructs first otherwise you are going to have a bad time.

Hope this helps!

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