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The Hexanian Space Agency - A story set in 0.90 career (will be pic heavy) - Chapter I - Beginnings


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The Hexanian Space Agency


"You want to do WHAT?!" exclaimed Prime Minister Kameron in a loud booming voice.

"You heard me. I want to start a space program." replied Wernher von Kerbin calmly, in his distinctive, thick, Eastern Kermany accent.

"We simply don't have the funds for that. We only scraped the latest general election, and we still owe the Kapanese government several million kresos in war aid. It cannot be a priority at the moment.", said PM Kameron, back to a calm state.

"Yes, but think of the support the public will give this project. Think about it! Since the dawn of time, Kerbals have looked up at the sky, wondering what secrets it has in store, wondering if we can ever reach the planets, even the stars. People want to go to space. Space is important. Technologies can be developed from space trav-", babbled Wernher, before being interrupted by the Prime Minister.

"It's a good thought, yes, but it's not a priority.", answered the Prime Minister.

"Please." said a slightly frustrated Wernher.

It was a good notion. The technology was already there. Wernher von Kerman's missiles had helped secure the Hexanian victory in the great Shape War of 2014. Suddenly, the Prime Minister had a notion.

"We have a patch of land we used to use for missile tests at the Kafrican coast. We can build a basic space centre there, and give you some funds to start off. But after that, you have to get your funding from private sources."

"That sounds like an excellent idea Mr. Prime Minister.", smiled Wernher.

"Get to it then Dr. von Kerman."

And so began the Hexanian Space Program...


Chapter I - Beginnings

Crew Roster


Occupation: Pilot

Status: Active

Notable Achievements:



Occupation: Engineer

Status: Active

Notable Achievements:



Occupation: Scientist

Status: Active

Notable Achievements:



Edited by TaintedLion
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Chapter I - The Beginning

"The Prime Minister did us good Linus." happily exclaimed Wernher von Kerman. The facilities were finally built. Although they were basic, they could easily be upgraded in the future.


"We're going to need astronauts. Probodobodyne has not completed their Stayputnik probe core yet, and Kerlington has offered their Mk.1 Capsule design to us. We've reconfigured it from its original use as a pressurised balloon gondola into something a bit more functional." said Linus Kerman, the intern of Wernher von Kerman.

"Don't worry about that." said Gene Kerman, head of Mission Control, "We've got the facilities to train five, and we got three of the best.", and he passed three files over to Linus.

"Ahh, Jebediah Kerman. I've heard a lot about him. How the .... did he pass the psych evaluation? Isn't he slightly insane?", said Linus in a worried tone.

"Don't know. He has an unmatchable reputation though. He is probably the best pilot alive. He volunteered to join after bein fir- I mean leaving the Royal Hexanian Air Force. He's also the owner of Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. He offered to give us a 75% discount on all his rocket parts in return for letting him fly on out ships." said Gene confidently.

"His recklessness may bite him in the arse one day."

Linus picked out the next file.

"Bill Kerman. Engineer, top of all his classes, graduated the University of Hexford with a Ph.D in Aeronautical Engineering at the age of 16. Genius, tech whizz. He's our guy."

Next file.

"Bob Kerman. Twin brother of Bill Kerman. Another genius, graduated from the University of Kambridge with a Ph.D in Astrophysics at 16. The twin brother part might be good publicity, if they were ever to go into space together. I'll talk to Walt about that."


From left to right: Jebediah Kerman, Bill Kerman, Bob Kerman.

Gene suddenly called for everyone's attention.

"Our mysterious benefactors of the Hexanian Space Program, the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society, have tasked us with achieving various altitude records and achieving orbit before they will let anyone else offer their contracts. Only time will tell if the Hexanian Space Program is up to the task. Remember guys, failure is not an option most of the time."

Edited by TaintedLion
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