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Unable to go to science center and/or buildings.

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KSP version: (WindowsPlayer) Steam BETA (Was running 64bit according to the launcher. Switched to 32bit, still same bug)

What happens: Unable to return to science center upon achieving orbit/building ship

Mods/Addons: None, just downloaded yesterday

Steps to replicate:

1) Go into tech tree and purchase heavy rocketry

2) Go into ship building

From top->bottom parts are:

Probodobodyne OKTO w/ one photo voltaic panel on top

Advanced Inline Stabilizer w/ 4 RV-105 RCS Thruster packs

z-1k Rechargable battery pack

SC-9001 Science Jr

Mobile Processing Lab w/ 1 Comms DTS-M1 & 2 Stratus-V roundified monoprop tanks

Rocko max X200-16 fuel tank

Rockomax "poodle" liquid engine

Stack decoupler

Rocko Max X200-32 fuel tank

Rocko max "skipper liquid engine

4 radial decouplers w/ 4 S1 SRB-KD25k solid fuel boosters

3) Add a scientist and an engineer to the mobile processing unit

there are two paths to a similar bug:

the first path(every time):

4a) Proceed to launch with the staging from bottom to top in sequential order with the skipper firing after the 4 solid boosters

5a) Achieve orbit, orient craft such that the solar panel faces the sun, run a couple samples, and beam data to planet.

Result of path (a):

Unable to return to space center, unable to save/exit/load, can still control craft as usual

Error states "No target" when clicking the return button.

The second path(less frequent):

4b) Leave hangar

5b) attempt to enter any buildings, use menus, or exit/save

6b) nothing responds with left click, right click menu appears though "enter" button does not respond. Can enter the Mission control, though upon clicking exit the mission control screen remains and nothing responds.


None so far


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If you started the save as 64-bit, then had to switch to 32-bit, I believe that might be a cause. Squad doesn't support 64-bit any longer (and it was very much not recommended when it was available)

Have you tried starting a new save to see if the issue still occurs?

A long shot, but did you happen to move any files around or delete stock craft, or anything like that?

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The issue had occurred in 64bit alone though. I'll play some tonight with 32bit and see what happens. Just unchecking the launcher part that says "play 64bit" switches it correct? also why have that the default setting if its so useless? lol (not expecting an answer just rambling). And no i didnt move/delete any files prior to the error beginning.

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Squad never 100% supported 64-bit from the start: it's always been there as an option, but it's always been much too unstable for them to officially support it. It's there kinda as a "use-at-your-own-risk" deal.

I believe they recently made an update that removes 64-bit entirely.

I personally launch from Steam, and as such am not familiar with the functionality of it, but I assume if you have the "play 64bit" box un-checked, you should be launching the supported 32-bit version. :)

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