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Crash while loading game

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Version :

Windows 32 bit Steam


Game crashes while loading. It happens at the exact same position every time.

I have tried deleting the squad/spaces folder where the game seems to crash while loading and then redownloading it via steam. I have also tried lowering the texture quality from 3 to 1 with no notable change as outcome, same with changing the overal graphics to minimum.

System specs:





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Your log indicates that you are running out of memory. Here are a few things that you can try.

1) Delete your settings.cfg from the root KSP

2) Launch KSP directly from KSP.exe instead of through

if it crashes again...

3) Edit settings.cfg and change the TEXTURE_QUALITY line to TEXTURE_QUALITY = 3

if still crashing...

4) Copy KSP to another directory such as C:/Games/KSP and try it again. Do NOT move it. Make sure to use copy and paste.

If still not working, and you are able to.

5) Delete KSP and reinstall from steam.

See if that helps. There has been a rash of this problem, and it's usually been associated with the install location. However, you are using steam, so that /shouldn't/ be a problem.



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