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Accidentally Deleted Mission/Ship

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I accidentally deleted one of my ships. I have it on an old save. However, I can't just revert because I have done to much to loose. Can I edit the persitent file to recover it? If I find the entry for the ship and cut and paste it back in, will that work?

Edited by davidpsummers
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Claw (I think) was working on a tool for this; let me go find it.

EDIT: Found it. It's called InflightShipSave (Scroll down to the 'Miscellaneous Utilities' section).

I've never used the tool, but I recall reading that it was working quite well. Caveat emptor and always take backups.

Edited by AlexinTokyo
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If it was in flight, you should be able to copy it from a previous save and paste it in to your current save. It should put your ship in the same place and state as in your old save. One thing to be wary of is if you have transferred crew around, as the game doesn't like it if you fudge the persistent file and introduce a craft with crew that are already deployed somewhere else.

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If all else fails you can always use HyperEdit. Launch a new ship to the runway/launchpad adjust fuel amount to realistic levels and cheat into place. And if you're playing career refund the spend Funds through either the debug console or persistent hacking.

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