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Reverting Extremely Unstable

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KSP version (Steam, stock), Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit *note, running Nvidia Optimus setup (this is a common culprit)

Replicate - Launch craft from SPH/VAB. Destroy craft through impact with ground. Revert to launch/SPH/VAB. Launch again

Game stops accepting input after reverting after a craft has been destroyed. I don't think it occurs when the craft hasn't been destroyed, but it could be a function of some other variable such as duration.

When reverting to launch the camera suddenly leaves the surface at ~20km/s, stops responding to any input, and the log is filled with an absolute avalanche of NullReferenceExceptions (log: http://pastebin.com/xfQSwrjz - I've removed most of the repeated exceptions, they continue to generate (several megabytes in a few seconds) until I kill the process, and CPU usage exceeds 135% (RAM usage does not exceed 30%)). As far as I can tell, this can be replicated every flight.

In most cases the revert to SPH/VAB button does nothing when clicked, but reverting to launch results in the above issue (the 'space center' button also does nothing, and opening the settings menu produces rendering problems). This bug does not always occur, and is much more difficult to replicate (I think it only happens when reverting from the death menu, rather than the pause menu). When reverting to SPH/VAB, operations initially appear normal, but clicking launch again causes a partial crash. All sounds operate normally, but all navigational (top row) buttons become greyed out, and some graphical updates stop - parts cannot be moved or added in the place menu, but rotations and translations still work (as do all decorative animations). The game never exits the SPH/VAB (nor does it accept any other input), and must be killed. The log ceases to be updated as soon as launch is clicked and the anomaly begins. Log - http://pastebin.com/6knvkTt9

Other notes:

Loading flights (though not the initial game load) takes longer them I expect, by instinct and compared to KSP running under Windows 8.1 on the same machine.

A common graphical glitch is all engines producing the full thrust animation when not firing, both in flight and in the SPH/VAB, and both in the expected direction and 90 degrees to the side. When this occurs, the staging GUI disappears and all parts can only be activated by right clicking. All engine sound is also missing.

Log files and screenshots:

Revert to launch KSP.log - http://pastebin.com/xfQSwrjz

Revert to SPH/VAB KSP.log - http://pastebin.com/6knvkTt9

Graphical error produced by opening the settings menu (and then closing it) as described - http://postimg.org/image/wb0kb65mj/ (why this image host you've never heard of? because nothing else works.)

TL;DR - KSP, along with Ubuntu, is an absolute mess on my machine.

Edited by Draekris
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I noticed this bug happened to me once, I couldn't revert or reload or anything and my craft was destroyed.

Apparently the game won't load ANY save file, even Shift+F9.

I had to close and restart the game. Luckily, it only happened once...

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Never mind. .25 does in fact merely disguise my problem with another, more severe, one.

So I've found the worst workaround ever, in that it introduces a more serious crash in solving the current one (it's possible it just crashes so quickly as a result of the new bug I don't notice the original one). In any case, reverting to version .25 appears to solve the problem with reverting, but I now experience random crashes (I can find no correlation with any event, though obviously there is one) which require the process be killed from the terminal.

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I've got another error, which, again, occurs when reverting to the SPH/VAB. KSP fails to open a file (and generates millions of lines of "could not open file" errors). It then responds in the same limited way as described above, and will not exit the VAB/SPH.

Screenshot (probably not relevant): http://i.imgur.com/CX0s8Qm.png (each engine is emitting two trails, as described above)

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/az6hq4jd1qufq37/KSP.log?dl=0

I just tried running the 64 bit version from an sh file (rather than steam) and it won't load - the log says it can't find models for some of the internal cockpit parts, though they are clearly in the directory it's looking for them in. (I was thinking I might be running into some kind of RAM issue, though system wide usage doesn't exceed 40% (of 8gb).) Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8wk4c9yxpdqy5yi/KSP-64.log?dl=0

The quantity, variety, and severity of the bugs I'm encountering is depressing - four apparently separate and frequent bugs which crash the game.

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Steam won't work (well, maybe). Run the 64 bit launcher as root. If that doesn't work, make the permissions for your ksp folder and all sub folders/files as lax as possible, and escalate your privileges as far as you can.

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