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DonLorenzo's Forum Campaign: To space, the moon and beyond

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the issue being, whilst they are the same wieght (that is, two radial is equal in weight to a single of its counterpart) the two outerparts combined induce more drag. So annoyingly these \'old versions\' are better. :(

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I am expanding the original campaign reference excel table to include salvage calculations...

Does the +15% bonus for salvage of all parts from salvage tech II apply to parts that have 0% to begin with like decouplers and parachutes?

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It does not work for decouplers, it does for parachutes and struts

Fuel lines? Winglets?

Oh, and another thing... If you are detaching a stage to be lowered by parachute, does the weight of the decoupler count in the total carrying capacity of the parachute or is the decoupler considered destroyed after decoupling? Does the weight of the parachute itself count?

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Sorry, I meant to say it doesn\'t work for decouplers, it does for all other parts. For the parachute mass thing, the decouplers count as destroyed/vanished. The chute itself does not count toward the carry weight limit.

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I have a query.

For remote controlled rockets, do they need to return? For example the \'complete one orbit\' mission doesn\'t strictly state that the vehicle needs to return. Don\'t worry, it CAN, its just that what with control range being tiny at <5000m landing is hard (a powered landing that is).

Im just wandering if it is ok to leave it in orbit since it contains no kerbals so there is no real NEED to return it to the surface, par salvaging.

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So here are the results for turn 9!

Many missions were flown and a flotilla of space buses were launched. All but one of them left Kerbin SoI successfully. The one straggler unfortunately and accidentally caught a reverse munar slingshot and was flung back unto the surface of kerbin. The occupants of said bus radiod (before they were smashed to bits) that they thought this was \'an honest mistake\' and that the vehicle performed flawlessly none the less and the contractors should be paid out in full.

Fuel officials on the launch site report that both Awaras and Fermun used frighteningly little fuel to put the bus on its trajectory, both of them used only 9 tanks of liquid rocket fuel. Fermun used an additional six tanks of jet fuel, however Awaras managed to get away with only three. Therefore Awaras takes the prize for most efficient bus driver. Congratulations!

Both Sal_vager and Fermun risked their crews with high G-return trajectories, however their astronauts are made of tough stuff and they all survived.

This turn also saw the founding of a joint engineering/launching initiative by Bellaby. A handful of players have already donated to this fund. To show their support the Kerbal government has sent over a few of its finest investment wizards which will manage the fund, netting it a cool 10% interest each turn.

Turn 9 technology price reductions:

-Salvage Tech II has been reduced in price by 10% to $7200

-Liquid Tech II has been reduced in price by 10% to $11250

Now for the financial overview, in the past I\'ve kept some numbers obfuscated from you guys in order to protect some design and salvage secrets. However it has led to quite a few inquiries and a few more numbers have been added to the game, so I\'ve switched to a full transparancy budget overview. It will result in a fairly lengthy post, if anyone knows of a better way to do these things please let me know.

Turn 9 financial overview


Turn start balance: $46700

Mission flown: Complete one full kerbin orbit


Technology: $8000

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $15350

Community pool contribution: $10000

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $35350


Mission Salvage: $5532

Mission Reward: $27500

Contract Reward: $8500

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $43032

End of turn balance: $54382


Turn start balance: $18750

Mission flown: Reach 200km altitude


Technology: $2250

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $12750

Community pool contribution: $0

Contract entry: $0

Penalties: $0

Total: $15000


Mission Salvage: $250

Mission Reward: $17000

Contract Reward: $0

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $18750

End of turn balance: $22500


Turn start balance: $32080

Mission flown: Complete one full kerbin orbit


Technology: $12500

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $17100

Community pool contribution: $1500

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $33100


Mission Salvage: $115

Mission Reward: $27500

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $34115

End of turn balance: $33095


Turn start balance: $20900

Mission flown: Reach 80km altitude


Technology: $4500

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $11000

Community pool contribution: $0

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $17500


Mission Salvage: $3750

Mission Reward: $14000

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $24250

End of turn balance: $27650


Turn start balance: $21030

Mission flown: Reach 200km altitude


Technology: $2400

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $18100

Community pool contribution: $0

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $22500


Mission Salvage: $1180

Mission Reward: $17000

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $24680

End of turn balance: $23210


Turn start balance: $27260

Mission flown: Reach 200km altitude


Technology: $10000

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $10250

Community pool contribution: $5000

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $27250


Mission Salvage: $1180

Mission Reward: $17000

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $24680

End of turn balance: $24690


Turn start balance: $24150

Mission flown: Reach 80km altitude


Technology: $8000

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $12500

Community pool contribution: $1000

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $23500


Mission Salvage: $5588

Mission Reward: $14000

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $26088

End of turn balance: $26738


Turn start balance: $16550

Mission flown: Reach 200km altitude


Technology: $2400

Personal Launch: $0

Mission craft cost: $13500

Community pool contribution: $0

Contract entry: $2000

Penalties: $0

Total: $17900


Mission Salvage: $0

Mission Reward: $17000

Contract Reward: $5000

Community Pool withdrawal: $0

Fundraiser: $1500

Total: $23500

End of turn balance: $22150

Community pool balance

Deposits: $17500

Withdrawals: $0

+10% Interest: $1750

Balance available for next turn: $19250

Turn 010 announcements

- The 80km and 200km altitude missions have had their rewards reduced by $1000

- The mission to complete two orbits, then land on either pole has had its reward increased by $5000

- No contract this turn

OP will be updated shortly with new mission rewards and tech prices. The deadline for turn 010 will be Friday 06-07-2012 at 23:59 (GMT+2)

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GAH! I toyed around with the jet fuel so much on my contract craft, I was so certain it was due to piloting that prevented me from actually hitting escape velocity with just 9 tanks of rocket and 3 tanks of jet fuel, but after 10 attempts where every time I tried I was ending with an apoapsis just barely past Minmus, I decided to just go with something I knew would work. I should\'ve known someone would figure out a better way to pilot to get there.

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oh dear, looks like my mun slingshot backfired ^^ I wonder why though, on mine it would fling you way out of kerbin SoI, i guess you just went a smidge too close. :-[

edit: Oh and where did the extra 1500 come from on your pool calculations, last turn i counted 16000, 10000 from awaras, 5000 from myself and 1000 from db. Did i miss something? Don\'t get me wrong, more is better, but I don\'t want to inadvertently cheat ;P

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edit: Oh and where did the extra 1500 come from on your pool calculations, last turn i counted 16000, 10000 from awaras, 5000 from myself and 1000 from db. Did i miss something? Don\'t get me wrong, more is better, but I don\'t want to inadvertently cheat ;P

It was me, sent the fundraising slot to the pool.

All this new data and we do not get to see what missions which player did? Is this on purpose or did you just forget?

You can still figure it out based on mission reward, but it would be nice to keep showing what missions were done.

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Yep, I figured you could tell the mission by the reward. For me it\'s near as makes no difference automatic by now, but I\'ll add it in now. Looks nicer anyhow. The last couple of turns I always end up underestimating how much time I\'ll need and end up doing it rushed, causing these kind of omissions :)

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Am I correct in assuming that the establish orbit mission just needs the orbit established then I can immediately deorbit and land?

Yes, you just establish a stable orbit and start deorbiting immediately.

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Don would it be possible if you would pop a link to the player chat thread in the community projects section? Help people navigate to it without having to trawl through this thread to find the link, cheers!

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for the mission where you do an equatorial orbit and land on a pole, I assume an equatorial orbit is pole to pole and not along the equator, since landing on an icecap would be hard from a standard orbit.

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for the mission where you do an equatorial orbit and land on a pole, I assume an equatorial orbit is pole to pole and not along the equator, since landing on an icecap would be hard from a standard orbit.

I figured you had to make a ship that has enough fuel to enter an orbit around the equator and then change the inclination of the orbit enough to land on one of the poles... Not much challenge if you just enter a polar orbit. :/

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