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Firefly VTOL


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While waiting for KSP 1.0, which is going to change aerodynamics, I decided to build a spacecraft with the current one, because I always play with FAR and haven't played with stock enough (it's time to say goodbye).

I wanted something unusual, not the basic "stick with wings" design. So putting some mk2 adapters ended like on the pictures below. It reminds me a batterfly when looking from the top, and a fish when looking from the side, so I have problems with suitable name for this (maybe you can suggest one?).

It flies.. well.. not so perfect. It is stable on takeoff and flight on both horizontal and vertical modes (but still needs stability assist on). When it's time to land the real problems begin: horizontal mode is good, at least when landing on runway (bumpy terrain can be a problem on a high speed), in vertical mode you should be really careful with maneuvering, because it tends to flip (though I had some successful vertical landings, maybe it's just me doing something wrong).


1 - toggle vertical engines.

2 - toggle main engines.

3 - toggle cargo bay doors (where the vertical engines are).

Note: Cockpit is slightly angled downwards, so not be confused by the velocity vector.

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