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KSP won't load

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KSP gets stuck loading on a specific part when its almost finished

So far it always stuck on Kerbal Aircraft expansion if its installed, sometimes Extraplanetary Launchpads, and now for some reason Karbonite.

It changes whether it likes to load or not when I edit my mods folder. I use CKAN for most of my mods although manually installing these mods doesn't really help.

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What version are you using, I had this same problem a while ago and a fresh reinstall of ksp and the mods has seemed to cure it, Just backup your save file and dropping it back into its respective location should get it back for you.

Are you using FASA btw?

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What version are you using, I had this same problem a while ago and a fresh reinstall of ksp and the mods has seemed to cure it, Just backup your save file and dropping it back into its respective location should get it back for you.

Are you using FASA btw?

No, I'm not using FASA. This happens whenever I install alot of mods. I think one has a conflict, but I don't know what. When I keep the mod count down, KAX and everything else words.

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This happens whenever I install alot of mods.

The most likely cause is KSP running out of memory, but we'll need to look at your output_log.txt to be sure. Please read the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky if you're not sure where to find it.

Edited by Master Tao
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"DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocationCould not allocate memory: System out of memory" from towards the bottom of your log file.

You're also getting "d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=6373 w=1024 h=640 mips=1 d3dfmt=22 [out of memory]. No Texture memory available to upload"

Sounds like you're running out of both main system memory (either not enough ram in system, or hitting the top memory limt of the 32bit game engine) and graphics memory (too many textures). Is that part of the report where it says you're using a Radeon 7500 accurate?

Give the active texture mod and / or some low resolution texture packs a shot. I've had that cut a huge amount out of the memory consumption for the game. Otherwise you'll have to start removing unused parts or slimming down on the number of mods you're running.

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Hm, Basic texture management doesn't work

Aggressive makes my computer sound like a jet engine so i quit

Its the astronomers visual packs probably.

Im using x86, but should i use x64?

A few weeks ago an end to x64 support was announced, and a few days later (for those who installed through steam) the x64 executable was removed from existing v0.90 installs.

Texture management sounds like a jet engine the first time it's run on my system too. It converts the texture files using all your CPU cores, so it'll be one of the rare situations where the CPU is completely 100% loaded. Only happens during the first load though, on later loadings it uses the cached size-reduced textures :)

How many mods are you running anyway? I stopped counting after the first 20-odd in the logfile. If many of those are particularly parts & texture heavy you might just have to cut back on a few.

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I'm going to suggest what I've been suggesting alot lately, make a small 50GB partition(Or less, 20 would be okay to) for linux, update mono and its dependacies and then you can run the 64 bit version with no issues, and man can you jam alot of mods into it, I was giddy as a school girl the first time it loaded with my massive modlist, and it was fast too, super fast.

give it a try, ;)

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I don't even know what your talking about... I didn't get a word you said

Whats a partition?

Aggressive texture management works but it makes the textures very blurry. My computer can definitely handle the textures before...

Edited by vinster7
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