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Anybody ever get the feeling that some people are starting to grasp for straws?


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I don\'t think its so much that people are getting wackier in their ideas as much as its getting easier for those with the wacky ideas to be heard by more people than ever before.

There have been some rather astonishingly absurd ideas tossed around in the past, both distant and near, and will no doubt be equally absurd concepts in out future too.

The really screwy part, is having to look at everything with an open mind, because reality has this odd habit of taking what we think makes sense vs what is seriously screwed up, and then showing us that the screwed up concept is actually the correct one. Sometimes takes us a while to find that last little piece that makes it all fit and suddenly make sense, but until then.....

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I believe aliens were here in our ancient past... Why not? Us Humans went to the moon and they would clearly be more advanced than us. Since we\'re talking about Ancient Astronauts anyway, I find it very interesting that many ancient 'Gods' used flaming chariots to soar through the skies. And I think it was Enoch, in the bible, describes being taken high into the air and he describes things that can only be seen from either space or several thousand feet. According to Enoch, the 'angels' took him there.

Very interesting.

As for this Dinosaur stuff... Well... C\'mon. You really can\'t blame them I guess. Making a television show is hard, keeping it running with ideas is even harder. They\'ve already covered so much.

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Having a go at conspiracy, eh?

I put the chance of life coming from outer space at <1%, the chance of us having been visited before at sometime from 3000BC-1000BC at 40%, and that we are being visited today at 3%.

The dinosaur thing, though, they are automatically aliens like us if life comes from space, otherwise, they are as Earthen as the birds they evolved into.

The reason i put today at 3% is because i feel they would intervene if they knew what we were doing.

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Having a go at conspiracy, eh?

I put the chance of life coming from outer space at <1%, the chance of us having been visited before at sometime from 3000BC-1000BC at 40%, and that we are being visited today at 3%.

The dinosaur thing, though, they are automatically aliens like us if life comes from space, otherwise, they are as Earthen as the birds they evolved into.

The reason i put today at 3% is because i feel they would intervene if they knew what we were doing.

Not so much conspiracy, because I don\'t believe anybody is covering it up deliberately.

Obviously, there is life in outer space and I think they are probably long done coming to Earth. In my personal opinion, our ancient ancestors probably were influenced by 'gods' who came from the skies.

And yes, I forgot about how we show DNA the same from outer space. According to some Ancient Astronaut Theorists, they think aliens come frequently during wars and disasters, as a lot of UFOs are seen during warfare, but IMO, that\'s just coincidence and more 'UFO sightings'.

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Actually, some experts now think we may infact be alone in the Milky Way, that we\'re a 'one-off'.

Aliens visiting an insignificant blue speck orbiting an insignificant small star when there are billions of other tiny insignificant specks in an insignificant galaxy doesn\'t seem very likely, especially given the IMMENSE distances between galaxy.

So, no sorry, I believe aliens having visited earth in the past is, for lack of a nicer and less offensive word, simply not true.

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It\'s more the problem of age, while there could be 25,000 or so civilizations in the Milky way, they need to be in existence within hundreds of thousands of years. Considering how humanity has already been at the verge of self-annihilation, i think some of the less bright sentient races out there has already done so, and probably millions of years ago.

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Actually, some experts now think we may infact be alone in the Milky Way, that we\'re a 'one-off'.

Those so-called 'experts' are clearly wrong... Not long ago, I remember reading about scientists now believe there are millions of planets in our galaxy housing life that are orbiting white-dwarfs. Look up Kepler 22-b for a good example. I\'m pretty sure it\'s in our galaxy.

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It\'s more the problem of age, while there could be 25,000 or so civilizations in the Milky way, they need to be in existence within hundreds of thousands of years. Considering how humanity has already been at the verge of self-annihilation, i think some of the less bright sentient races out there has already done so, and probably millions of years ago.


And also, if there are ANY alien civilisations within range of travelling to us, we would have picked up their radio, television, etc. long ago.

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And also, if there are ANY alien civilisations within range of travelling to us, we would have picked up their radio, television, etc. long ago.

What if they are from hundreds of lightyears away and used wormholes of some kind? Scientists believe it\'s possible, we just don\'t know exactly how yet. 400 years ago, if you told someone about a computer, they\'d say, 'that\'s completely impossible, you\'re crazy.'

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What if they are from hundreds of lightyears away and used wormholes of some kind? Scientists believe it\'s possible, we just don\'t know exactly how yet. 400 years ago, if you told someone about a computer, they\'d say, 'that\'s completely impossible, you\'re crazy.'

What if, what if, what if.

If they have been around for long enough, chances are they\'d have destroyed themselves already.

And if we don\'t know about them, how do they know about us?

Their signals would have reached MUCH further.

The probability of discovering us by change is almost IMPOSSIBLE.

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its pretty easy to have transmissions go unnoticed. We already do this here on earth with LPI radars. Transmissions spread across much of the equipments capable frequency range, all at very low power, combined through some very intense processing. The result no solid hit from a hostile radar, merely a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny increase in noise across the entire band, which actually is the radar transmission.

The idea that we are advanced enough to compete in any way shape or form is rather.....optimistic.

If we do meet another race, the odds seem very high that their civilisation will be in a different type than our. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale

If that happens to be the case, whether it is we or they that are more advanced, there won\'t be much of a fight if thats what results.

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Still, I think we are alone in the galaxy.

All the evidence points to it, and the arguments against are mostly all purely hypothetical.

we used to think manned flight was impossible, and all the evidence of the time supported it, and all hypotheses against that were purely hypothetical.

Used to believe the sound barrier couldn\'t be broken, this after manned flight was already possible.

in less than 100 years we went from not flying, to B-2 stealth bombers. in 30 years we went from dropping hand grenades over the side, to dropping nukes.

What happens in the next 100 for us? the next 200, 300, 400? What if we could look ahead to 10,000 years? What we believe is impossible may all turn out to be rather, incorrect given time and development.

statistically, the odds against us being it are beyond most peoples comprehension. The number of possibles is just.......english fails here. Enormous to the power of extremely gigantic.

True the odds of intelligent life coming around aren\'t exactly all that promising. its actually on the other end of the scale from the odds of life at all.

Thing is, probability doesn\'t work like straight multiplication. The odds are FAR better than simple possible sources of life times chance of it resulting in intelligent life.

While I think it highly optimistic to think we are even close enough in technology to a race that might come visit us(should such event ever occur in our future), i think its highly pessimistic to believe we are alone.

There are just too many shots at it to fail realistically speaking. Where this comes apart as far as visitation goes, is in the timing.

Maybe they are still pre-civilisation and are little more than chimps currently are. Maybe they\'ve had a few million years on us and look as us as little better than bugs. What we\'ve seen, is a tiny tiny tiny tiny piece of 1% of everything out there.

Its WAY too early to believe its all empty.

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I hate to say it, but I don\'t think our current level of technology produces powerful enough radio wave emissions to reach even the closest star. The only reason we can detect radio waves coming from outer space is they are generated by sources that produce way more power than has existed on this planet in total since it was formed.

It\'s also entirely possible that this planet was visited at some point in the past and the lifeforms just went, 'Eh, another M class planet, on to the next system!' To think we are significant enough to warrant a visit from some advanced civilization takes some pretty big cajones. Also, a civilization could be advanced enough to avoid our detection while sitting in LEO. Humans make too many assumptions when thinking about alien life, when we have exactly zero experience with it.


Capt\'n Skunky

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I meant that I believe there is no other INTELLIGENT life in this galaxy.

There may well be things like alien badgers from Betelgeuse 7 and so on.

now im just being an ass and nitpicking, but dogs, dolphins, ravens, chimps, and octopuses are all rather intelligent by any standard.

Under enough of the right scrutiny, they show signs of remarkable intelligence, reasoning, insight, empathy, tool improvisation, and more. Basically all the things that most people think set us apart from the rest of life here.

mostly I think its just our inquisitiveness that sets us apart. many of us literally HAVE to understand something. its from this that i think we got our first leg up, the first early \'tech\'s if you could call them that, such as control of fire. From there it just snowballed.

Of course, that same insistence on poking things that should be left alone has a habit of showing dangerous results. If anything, this is the only way i can see us coming to be the only intelligent life. And history\'s lessons tend to repeat themselves if not learned from, so if true, it doesn\'t speak well of our future at all.

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I hate to say it, but I don\'t think our current level of technology produces powerful enough radio wave emissions to reach even the closest star. The only reason we can detect radio waves coming from outer space is they are generated by sources that produce way more power than has existed on this planet in total since it was formed.

It\'s also entirely possible that this planet was visited at some point in the past and the lifeforms just went, 'Eh, another M class planet, on to the next system!' To think we are significant enough to warrant a visit from some advanced civilization takes some pretty big cajones. Also, a civilization could be advanced enough to avoid our detection while sitting in LEO. Humans make too many assumptions when thinking about alien life, when we have exactly zero experience with it.


Capt\'n Skunky

If they where around from the dinosaur ages(I just call it that for short...) then this is very much what could happen.

Also, at one point in our time we probably will have world peace.

Until some nation goes power hungry.

I do believe that 99% of UFOs are either weather balloons or optical illusions.

I mean think about it, they are all near national routes, a lot of cars pass by so they could cause an optical illusion.

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Hey, people - time to get real.

What makes you think that we on this little backwater planet just off the Orion Spur are significant enough that any alien species would be remotely interested in visiting?

Have you ANY IDEA how big this universe is? There are wonders out there!

I believe in God, and I believe that He cares about us - but ONLY because an infinite God would not be limited in caring about even very small things.

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If even some intelegent enough life exists and is searching for life on the other planets, what would they search for? Planets with climate similar to their homeworld? Technologies similar to their? And if they have completely different biology (carbon-based organics in liquid water isn\'t the only possible way to make something alive) and technology, they won\'t probably notice us.

And if they are advanced enough for interstellar travel would they even try to establish contact with us? Like we aren\'t contacting with ants.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

My point of view on this subject is that there is defiantly another race of life different to ours out there. Aparently at one point they were finding around 3 planets a month out there (unconfermed, It was 3 years ago and I don\'t renember what people say quite right yet). Even if 0.1% of these planets are habitable, and 0.1% of the habitable planets have life in some sort of life on them (Single cell, multicell, ect).

The main problem that other species will have getting to the point of being able to do galactic travel is what is currently going on in our society. Some groups don\'t respond to change well, such as the RADICAL MUSLEMS or the RADICAL CHRISTIANS (religions are not wrong, nether are they right though, but non of them preach the violence of the radical groups)(just so you know, I used christian and muslem radicalist as I know the most about these. I am not religous (though I do say Godess every once and a while). These groups don\'t want to move forwards, instead want to stay still or the world to be there way, so they become terrorist orginisations. These terrorist orginisations could, if done correctly, destroy humanity.

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Still, I think we are alone in the galaxy.

All the evidence points to it, and the arguments against are mostly all purely hypothetical.

Actually, there\'s not a single shred of evidence to support that. Quite the opposite in fact.

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