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THE Slingshot challenge

This mission will defy your understanding of physics

GOAL:Only use decouplers to get to EVE thats right! just decouplers.


  1. No cheats or modify physics in the cfg and the debug menu and NO HYPEREDIT
  2. No modded decouplers or parts
  4. NO docking with other ship to get a ahead start

(not a rule) Leave more suggestions for rules


easy-sandbox mode just land on eve and stay there

Normal-career mode or sandbox land on eve and perform a spacewalk and stay on EVE

Hard-Career mode on Hardcore and land on eve and do a spacewalk and collect science examples and return to kerbin in orbit or land.

Jeb's funtime-Career mode on Hardcore mode and land on EVE and it's moon and perform spacewalks and some science examples and return to kerbin safely.

How to submit a win

Show a video of the mission or pictures with captions to provide a good understanding of the picture

Show a picture of the ship and with stats

Also please provide a .craft file If I ask because something looks fishy


Part clipping is okay just for the decoulpers

Notice there's no badge yet soon there will be one


None yet?

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Did you do the challenge yourself to see if it is possible? Just getting to Kerbin orbit requires a lot of thrust; achieving escape velocity also requires a lot of thrust. Both of which aren't able to be done with decouplers. Especially since the craft will get heavier and heavier as you add more decouplers.

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Well, if structural parts are allowed, there was a bug that could accelerate a kerbal to tremendous speeds (

), only with a few decouplers fired off at once. I wasn't able to recreate it, but that might just be my incompetence.

Anyway, even if the easy and medium challenges might be possible with a use of bugs like this one, the hard mode is most likely impossible.

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Well, if structural parts are allowed, there was a bug that could accelerate a kerbal to tremendous speeds (
), only with a few decouplers fired off at once. I wasn't able to recreate it, but that might just be my incompetence.

Anyway, even if the easy and medium challenges might be possible with a use of bugs like this one, the hard mode is most likely impossible.

I think that works because of massless parts, use a lot of them and they won't add any mass, so you can stick lots of decouplers that will launch this massless part with a kerbal aboard.

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Uh... OP, where's your entry?

I think there's a rule that says you have to do the challenge first and upload pictures/videos of it for a challenge to be valid.

Also, I think that doing such maneuver with only decouplers isn't possible.

EDIT: Yes, there is a rule for that.

Many challenges we see are nearly or literally impossible to achieve, and usually very little thought has gone into them, these challenges just annoy people, waste forum space and show that the submitter hasn't really tried.

So test your challenge yourself first to make sure it is possible, you don't have to be successful but you'll soon know if the challenge has a hope of being completed.

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