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[1.x] 5dim Military Contract Pack [v0.4] [2015-05-3]


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  Volwen said:
The only problem is the way the vessels were designed. Each one is built around a probe core that is facing skyward. When the vessel is spawned, it tries to orient it with the core facing forward and it ends up sideways.

I copied the .craft files to a sandbox save and edited them to have default forward facing cores. They spawn just fine now. I had to edit the .craft files afterwards to set guard mode to True so that they actually fight you.

Ended up making custom replacements for each craft in the contract pack and have been having a good time.

Might try adding more contracts soon.

Could you share the craft files with the rest of us for the time being? I've got BDArmory sitting in my GameData folder and can't do anything with it.

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Seems I got carried away with creating custom crafts and currently do not have many fixed originals. All ground units and turrets are ones that I have made. Some planes are mine. Any crafts that would spawn in space havent been edited yet, since they wouldnt spawn in the ground and I hadnt progressed that far with the contracts ingame.

Let me know what you think. Some of the early enemies have blind spots and small defense zones, so you may defeat a few without getting shot at.

I edited one contracts, because the first anti-air mission was spawning the hardest enemy.


Changes are licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0 as per odin_spain's original license and Squad's add-on posting rules. Just copy over your existing 5dim install, should work right.

Edited by Volwen
learning about the importance of licensing.
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  Volwen said:
Seems I got carried away with creating custom crafts and currently do not have many fixed originals. All ground units and turrets are ones that I have made. Some planes are mine. Any crafts that would spawn in space havent been edited yet, since they wouldnt spawn in the ground and I hadnt progressed that far with the contracts ingame.

Let me know what you think. Some of the early enemies have blind spots and small defense zones, so you may defeat a few without getting shot at.

I edited one contracts, because the first anti-air mission was spawning the hardest enemy.


Just copy over your existing 5dim install, should work right.

Awesome! Just make sure to edit you post and mention that your changes are licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0 as per odin_spain's original license and Squad's add-on posting rules. :)

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Some of the enemies spawn underground ...

Hey, i might be wrong on that, but it seems a bug of Contract Configurator more than a bug of 5dim. It happens e.g. in "no more KSCs" mission

Edited by phas
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I'll play with it some more to seek out performance issues when I get home.

I am half tempted to create my own contract pack of military missions. It all depends on if I have the time to do it, the process itself seems really straight forward.

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  phas said:
Some of the enemies spawn underground ...

Hey, i might be wrong on that, but it seems a bug of Contract Configurator more than a bug of 5dim. It happens e.g. in "no more KSCs" mission

I just tested this. Terrain Detail in settings needs to be set at High.

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  Volwen said:
I just tested this. Terrain Detail in settings needs to be set at High.

It's sad, because I haven't visually noticed a difference with terrain detail on high, nor have I noticed a performance difference. But sadly, not having it on high causes issues like this.

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  nightingale said:
It's sad, because I haven't visually noticed a difference with terrain detail on high, nor have I noticed a performance difference. But sadly, not having it on high causes issues like this.

Yeah... I set mine in high after installing Kerbinside and haven't looked back.

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  Volwen said:
I am half tempted to create my own contract pack of military missions. It all depends on if I have the time to do it, the process itself seems really straight forward.

I was actually debating on doing that myself, but I'm still trying to learn the process. Besides, BDArmory is too great a mod to only have one contract pack for it, right?

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  Blazer Nitrox said:
I was actually debating on doing that myself, but I'm still trying to learn the process. Besides, BDArmory is too great a mod to only have one contract pack for it, right?

I'd love to see that. I built more crafts and have an idea of what the contracts will be, I just need to create the contracts themselves and make sure it has a good difficulty curve.

By the way did you try the fixed version I posted?

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  Volwen said:
I'd love to see that. I built more crafts and have an idea of what the contracts will be, I just need to create the contracts themselves and make sure it has a good difficulty curve.

By the way did you try the fixed version I posted?

Yeah, I did. It worked quite well, actually. Yeah did it pretty good job on those crafts.

I'm tempted to go back through and fix some grammar errors, since the OP (didn't have the name on hand at the time of writing, sorry) is natively Spanish (as far as I can tell).

  Prototype516 said:
What about scenarios? Has anyone ever created any of those with these mods?

I was actually going to ask that myself. I don't know how exactly to set that up, but it would be pretty helpful as far as teaching new players how to use it.

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Glad to know it worked.

Started on my own pack. Its about 5 missions aside from the intro. Missions start small and ease you into the content. Going to experiment and see if setting up dogfights and ksc defense based missions would be possible. I think I'll release it once its 10-15 missions which should be tonight. I still need to either modify the research trees to make aviation and weaponry more accessible (bdarmory is all on one tier 4(?) unlock by default) similar to what Odin_Spain did, or have missions unlock additional parts using the experimental part behavior. I also need to uninstall mechjeb and re-save the .craft files so that it doesn't cause issues for non-mechjeb users.

Scenarios could be set up in the same way but you would be forced to use the vehicle the scenario is set up with. Personally, I think half the fun of a contract based system is making your own vehicles.

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Taking longer than I thought but I'm trying to get some good mission variety. I'm on mission 10 and will probably release it when that is finished.

I need to find where I can officially ask Nightingale if there is a way to prevent the spawn vessel behavior from landing a vessel. It spawns in at the intended altitude but a second later gets teleported to ground level. This will be essential to setting up dogfights.

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  Volwen said:
Taking longer than I thought but I'm trying to get some good mission variety. I'm on mission 10 and will probably release it when that is finished.

I need to find where I can officially ask Nightingale if there is a way to prevent the spawn vessel behavior from landing a vessel. It spawns in at the intended altitude but a second later gets teleported to ground level. This will be essential to setting up dogfights.

Try asking on the Contract Configurator thread. ;)

That sounds like a bug though. I though in the 5dim military contract pakc odin_spain was spawning stuff in the air?

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  nightingale said:
Try asking on the Contract Configurator thread. ;)

That sounds like a bug though. I though in the 5dim military contract pakc odin_spain was spawning stuff in the air?

Had a feeling you would see this Lol. I'll have to re-examine Odin_Spain's contracts. Admittedly I never played all his contracts, the idea of making my own took over.

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  dbmorpher said:
I tried updating all the craft files to 1.0.4 versions then oriented them correctly in the SPH however the problems from before still persisted.

Unless you changed the orientation of the probe core inside Odin_Spain's original crafts, compared to the rest of the vessel, the problem will not be solved. The probe cores are oriented pointing "up" instead of "forward" in regards to the SPH and traditional orientation.

Edited by Volwen
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  windows_x_seven said:
Problem here.

Crafts spawn clipped into the ground, facing upwards, followed by big drop on FPS.

Then, they spontaneously explode.

Until Odin_Spain uploads a fixed version it will do that.

I posted a redone version of his contract pack on page 11 of this thread.

I'm also working on my own contract pack which should ready for its first release soonish

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I'll make it its own thread and upload it tomorrow (err, today?) sometime.

12 missions. 2 of which are aerial combat. And some other fun junk.

Will add to it once I get a little feedback and if I can figure out how to do some of the things I want to do.

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