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Question on importing saved vessel designs

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So I tried searching google and the forums, but to no avail. Alas, the google is not strong with me today.

Also, I'm not entirely sure where this question should go; if it needs to be moved, please feel free.

So here's the question:

Can you import vessel designs that were created in modded installs into stock installs? Obviously, no design requiring parts from a parts-pack would work unless that pack was installed. But what about mod-manager-type-stuff? For instance, I have a modded install that has KER installed... it's set up to work in "partless" mode, but i'm unsure how/if that affects saved vessels. Also, I have realchutes set up to treat the stock chutes like realchutes brand chutes... would that affect the ability to export those vehicles to a stock install?

So, I guess my real question is... Is there any way to know besides asking the author of each and every mod I use? Or is it possible to tell by looking at the craft file? Or does it even matter so long as no mod-specific parts are used?

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To the best of my knowledge, as long as you used no mod parts on your vessel you can import it to a stock savegame. The best way I know of to find this out in practice would be to just import the craft file from your modded save to your stock save. Then try loading it in the VAB, it will tell you if there are any missing/invalid parts (invalid parts could eg be stock parts resized using tweakscale or sth similar although they might just be resized back to normal [just speculating here]).

Beware though that eg the chutes will behave differently (as they would in stock), and often things like planes will not fly as well, or at least differently if they were built with FAR and then imported to a stock game (and vice-versa).

Edited by TheXRuler
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TheXRuler is spot on. I was about to say nearly the same.

But before you attempt to import a new craft do back-up your savegame just to be on the safe side. Although the chances are slim it's possible it will corrupt your game.

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Having done exactly this (designing craft in an install with KER and then moving the craft file over to a strictly stock game install) I can tell you that it at least worked in earlier versions of KSP.

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