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Wunderkaffen, or Kerbal Wonder Weapons

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Never mind that I'm pretty sure the title says wonder coffee, not wonder weapons, in German. Anyways, I've been derping around in Sandbox mode and creating some of the more obscure German wonder weapons with the help of the B9 Aerospace pack.

First off, what I consider my biggest success: the Horten Ho.XVIII/B.2. Mouthful, ain't it?


This was one of the designs tossed around late in World War 2 to cross the impenetrable Atlantic ocean and bomb America. As you can tell by the Mach readings and the fuel levels, it actually would do that very well. I have to say, this is the one that exceeded my expectations the most. It's by far the best-mannered airplane I've ever made.

I will admit, though, I kind of went off-specification on this one. The number of vertical stabilizers is twice what it should be thanks to part clipping issues. But, hey, I found a reference pic that has that layout:


Next, my other big success: the EMW A-10. No, it's not the ass-kicking Avenger-packing ground pounder we all know and love. Instead, it's an obscure design from von Braun's sketchbooks, featuring two stages and designed, again, to cross the Atlantic and strike America. Oddly, it featured a human pilot in what was essentially a suicide rocket. High-speed bailouts before the advent of ejection seats were kind of a dicey deal, and at the velocities this puppy would be traveling at... *laughs*


This one's another easy steer. Heck, it went halfway around Kerbin (more than meeting the design requirements) with a ham-fisted pilot like me at the controls. And, thanks to a detachable cockpit, the pilot survived.It's also probably my most accurate remake, as the only thing missing is the camo paint:


Sadly, that's about all that went right out of the batch. My V-1 was so bad I won't even show it, but there is one final project I consider to be somewhat interesting: the Sanger interpodal bomber.

This Amerikabomber was designed to skip across the atmosphere like a rock across the lake and deliver three incendiary bombs straight into the heart of Brooklyn. And did it in my recreation? Nnnnnno. Not at all, I'm afraid. It couldn't even make it to the old airfield without flipping over.

Still, here's a pic:


Note the RCS tanks and nozzles, which were not a feature of the original design.


Anyways, that's it for my first post to this subforum. Thanks for reading!

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I don't know much German, but i can tell you that coffee is Kaffee not kaffen. :)

Also, I don't know how coffee is spelled in a compound noun, but it can't be that different. Try poking around the interwebs (and don't trust google translate!)

Edited by CavemanNinja
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Wonder Weapons = Wunderwaffen

Wonder Coffee = Wunderkaffee

Wonder Coffees = Wunderkaffees

Kaffen is the Dativ Plural of Kaff, a small unimportant and miserable village.

Trust me, I´m a German.

Nice craft, by the way.

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  Kerdinand said:
Kaffen is the Dativ Plural of Kaff, a small unimportant and miserable village.


Glad we got that cleared up then XD

And thanks!

Edited by Kagame
Wow, that image was way, way too big.
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