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Contracts to modify/extend existing flights

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Pretty simple idea. You get a contract to put a station supporting 5 Kerbals around the Mun and you complete it. Some time later, the game checks to see if that station is still there, and if it is, generates a new contract telling you to add a Mobile Lab to the station, or to extend it's capacity to 8 Kerbals, or to add a module with a gravioli detector, etc. If it's a base, it could tell you to land the new part within so many meters of the existing base. Or it could tell you to transport a Kerbal to that base, or return one home.

For satellites, there could be contracts that tell you to move or deorbit previously placed satellites, although that would need some additional way to make sure it has the dV to make the change. Or you could have to send Kerbals to the satellite to perform repairs.

Anyways, could be a cool way to motivate people to keep stations in place. There could also be a check to make sure it hasn't been changed to Debris, as that's what I do when I don't want a flight showing up in the tracking station anymore.

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