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Nay-sayers, unite!


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Well, let me toss my 0.02€ ...

I'll not harp about the bugs, because, as been beaten to death in here, bugs in any computer program are basically unavoidable above a certain program complexity level... and with not having the hands in the game , I can't really judge. But what makes me somewhat worried is that the UI is still a mess and more, how they shoved stuff like the thermal overlay ( that is actually a VERY useful tool for a lot of stuff, including reentry testing and resource mining ) into the Alt-F12 menu. That is the kind of stuff that should be clearly labeled into the game UI and easily acessible , not tucked in what is essentially a dev toolbar/cheat menu. It is worse since some of the people that have worked with them for 1.0 have a clear grasp of how to make UI ( see the resource scanning UI from Roverdude ) ...

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Well the nice thing is we've got choices.

If you can't wait to play regardless of bugs, download and play today.

If you prefer a more polished product, just wait.

I never play a game on release day or even release week (although I am sorely tempted in this case.)

I was planning on not playing 1.0 at least until graphics mods are updated, it's painful to go back to those cloudless skies.

But as I said I'm very tempted. Hopefully work will be busy this week.

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Not to say I don't greatly enjoy many of the changes since, but as far as I'm concerned they could have called the 0.18 release (when I first found out about the game) 1.0 and I would've been none the wiser. To me it has always felt just as polished as most other games out there and it has only been getting better.

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Can we stop bashing on squad for something we're being picky about? sure there are a few bugs, but they are all triggered in bizarre scenarios, not something any normal KSPer would do.

My point in short: lets all stop bashing on squad and congratulate them, as well as play the *best* game of the century!

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  r_rolo1 said:
... But what makes me somewhat worried is that the UI is still a mess and more, how they shoved stuff like the thermal overlay ( that is actually a VERY useful tool for a lot of stuff, including reentry testing and resource mining ) into the Alt-F12 menu. That is the kind of stuff that should be clearly labeled into the game UI and easily acessible , not tucked in what is essentially a dev toolbar/cheat menu. It is worse since some of the people that have worked with them for 1.0 have a clear grasp of how to make UI ( see the resource scanning UI from Roverdude ) ...
Your comment is fair, and I also wish it was done and more accessible. Its buried because they aren't satisfied with how it works or looks yet. Going into the debug menu is like signing a waiver that you won't sue them for any incomplete or unpleasant experience that may occur. I think its a fair compromise for getting an early work-in-progress look at their idea. (link to dev quotes)
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  Wafle Master said:
Can we stop bashing on squad for something we're being picky about? sure there are a few bugs, but they are all triggered in bizarre scenarios, not something any normal KSPer would do.

My point in short: lets all stop bashing on squad and congratulate them, as well as play the *best* game of the century!

I've already congratulated them several times and am very much looking forward to 0.27/1.0. But basically you've got a company jumping the gun on release for no reason that I can see (unless it's maybe because the kettle has too much Steam?)

I've aired my grievances in far too many threads and IRC chats to waste time doing it again this morning. Basically Squad still has problems communicating, they're obviously releasing the game too early and cramming features in during what should have been bug-fixing time, they're releasing a game without fundamental features by rushing the process, they're jumping release numbers just to ... feel good about it?

But, you know, wonderful seed idea, less than stellar execution.

Also, career mode is still an unplayable pile of unrelated game elements that has literally nothing to do with managing a space program.

Edited by regex
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  basic.syntax said:
Your comment is fair, and I also wish it was done and more accessible. Its buried because they aren't satisfied with how it works or looks yet. Going into the debug menu is like signing a waiver that you won't sue them for any incomplete or unpleasant experience that may occur. I think its a fair compromise for getting an early work-in-progress look at their idea. (link to dev quotes)

I can live with those screeens being Alt-F12 and I can relate with them not being confident about a new feature. I was just pointing out that the devs have gone 1.0 without a good look at the UI, that is still built under the "moar menus" accretion process typical of games under early access, and the tucking of the thermal overlays and others to Alt-F12 is just a example. That to me is far worse than any bug, because, while you can't be 100% bug-free, you can have a decent UI if you want to ;)

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One of the things I started saying back around .23 days was "squad should buy the work of the mod makers and get this game out"... Looks like that is exactly what pretty much happened. 1.0 seems, at least in my opinion to be a compilation of the most popular mods that added the most requested features. Heck even before 1.0 is released you can pretty much get the same experience by loading up Deadly Reentry, FAR, Karbonite, and a handful of others. It would seem they took the best parts of these, incorporated them so that we don't have to load them separately and moved to a "full release" status.

Now the negativity aside, compare squad with Keen SWH (Space Engineers) and it's night and day. Keen is what I would give you as an example of how NOT to do early access and Squad would be my example of a group at least trying to do it right.

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I do consider myself to be in the "nay-sayer" category as far as 1.0 is concerned, but I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this thread is, other than to bring together a bunch of disgruntled community members to bash on Squad, especially since none (very few?) of us have even played 1.0 yet. The game is releasing in a handful of hours, it's not like Squad is going to delay the release at the last minute, especially with all the merchandising deals.

Yes, Squad has made some major mistakes with communication and game execution and has rushed a product out the door, but hating on Squad isn't really going to help things.

I think a more appropriate thread would be something like "1.0 Impressions" where we can discuss 1.0 on its own merits and constructively criticize Squad appropriately based on what things are actually broken in the initial release instead of hypothesizing based on Squad's poor communications, teasers, and youtube preview videos.

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  rottielover said:
One of the things I started saying back around .23 days was "squad should buy the work of the mod makers and get this game out"... Looks like that is exactly what pretty much happened. 1.0 seems, at least in my opinion to be a compilation of the most popular mods that added the most requested features. Heck even before 1.0 is released you can pretty much get the same experience by loading up Deadly Reentry, FAR, Karbonite, and a handful of others. It would seem they took the best parts of these, incorporated them so that we don't have to load them separately and moved to a "full release" status.

Now the negativity aside, compare squad with Keen SWH (Space Engineers) and it's night and day. Keen is what I would give you as an example of how NOT to do early access and Squad would be my example of a group at least trying to do it right.


Keen SWH and Space Engineers are 500x better at doing early access than Squad!

1. They have pretty good game but they still working on it and NOT claiming it is a 1.0 version! Space Engineers is way more "complete" at the moment than KSP. (they are lacking of some optimization but that is usually last thing to do)

2. They really listen to community! In their weekly updates there is a lot of ideas requested by the community.

3. New stuff every week. That is awesome. And there is sometimes big update like procedurally generated asteroids and upcoming planets.

I have nothing against releasing KSP 1.0 soon. I'm against releasing 1.0 with tons of new features without ONE (at least) beta! And NO. Q&A doesn't count. Why? How many bugs was discovered on 1.0 streams on Twitch? That is why.

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  parameciumkid said:
what a negative thread.

These are all valid points, but do we have to be so critical? Bugs happen. Squad tried their best. And i think we've already done a perfectly good job getting the message across that we think they went too fast. The time for that has passed; now is the time to be supportive and congratulate them for making it to release.


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