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Aerodynamic Instability

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Heyo, it's waterlubber, long time user of Sloppydynamics.

The new aero threw the game balance so far out of whack it's plain stupid. I can't even execute a gravity turn. Seriously, I can't. As I turn over, the rocket just lawn darts into the ground. Add fins? The thing wobbles. (Do I seriously need to set up my joystick in order to do something I could completely automate?!)

We need SOME kind of aero stability thing because, while I know orbital mechanics very well, 1.0 just ruined the game. I can't get to orbit, wheras I used to be making Laythe SSTO+Rs. Any FAR/NEAR players who know how the heck to into space?

And yes, I did try doing it gently. -_-

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It might help if you could throw a picture up so we can give some specific advise.

Generally speaking, you should be able to build rockets similar to what you had. The thing to watch out for is that all of the engines were rebalanced. So make sure you have enough thrust available, but not too much.

Start your gravity turn a lot earlier, around 100m/s or so, and don't make it too agressive. Stay within about 5 degrees of prograde and try to control your speed on ascent, especially while low. If you get going to fast, or hang out around 270-410 m/s, you'll get a lot of drag on the front of your rocket which will make it easier to flip.



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Ok, first up, take a deep breath. 1.0 didn't ruin the game, it just changed it, and humans happen to dislike change... especially if it means you have to relearn stuff :D

It took me a little extra effort to get the first rockets up into space. And I love spaceplanes, but I've yet to get one into space :D Everyone, even the biggest KSP-pros have to experiment a little to get things going :)

What Claw says is important, stay near that prograde marker. Also, I see a lot of people still trying to limit their speed in the first 10 km... this is MUCH less of an issue, the atmosphere isn't nearly as thick. Also, try to keep your rockets smooth, putting stuff on your rocket on the front really means extra drag. And the draggiest parts always want to hangout on the back of the rocket.

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If your craft is tall and slim, I would suggest to begin your turn at higher alt, where atmosphere is less dense. Also try pressing tab to reduce controls input sensitivity. This way you will be able to turn much more gently

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Before, on 0.9 if you used stock aero, then switched to FAR, you will just say the same... tbh, the new aero mode is more awesome than the stock 0.9, it has many ways similar to FAR, I was using FAR on 0.9 and I don't think I will use it on 1.0 because the stock aero mode is giving me what I want...

SO, it is just a matter of time and a tiny bit of re-learning to find out what is the differences between the old and new aero mode...

Most important is, make sure your rocket parts are attached well together, then make sure you don't clime insanely fast below 7000m, and you will be fine, for gravity turns, very slow above 10,000m will be safer until you get the mechanics of this new aerodynamics mode...

And to tell you how much the new aerodynamics mode as "improved" the game, the first thing I did in 1.0 is to build a space shuttle that I was miserably failing in 0.9 stock and FAR aero to make it fly, and I did fly it and land it easily in 1.0...

Then I built a very large rocket with about 3>TWR (I have not installed KER yet, so I won't know exactly the characteristics of the rocket I built), and it did launch and get in orbit easily when I did slow and soft gravity turn...

Edited by SalehRam
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