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I have Deadly Reentry and FAR. (.90)

Whenever I try to reenter, I flip out of control and crash. What is the proper reentry profile without burning up?

Heat shield first. You are going to have to post a screenshot for a better answer.

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Drop the periapse down to about 30km and keep the capsule pointed at the retrograde marker. You may need to keep doing that manually as the SAS doesn't seem to handle the new atmosphere well. Bear in mind that if you attach anything like a materials bay below the capsule it will flip over no matter what you do as the heat shield seems to be a massless part for some reason so the craft becomes hopelessly unbalanced.

You can fudge it by opening the parachute as soon as you see heating effects, though it looks rather silly.

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Bear in mind that if you attach anything like a materials bay below the capsule it will flip over no matter what you do as the heat shield seems to be a massless part for some reason so the craft becomes hopelessly unbalanced.

Adding fins might help with this.

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