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After EVA, screen went black

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Landed a jet aircraft about 100km from Space Center.

Had Jeb do EVA, when Jeb touches the ground the game turned black. All the Altimeter data went missing.

I returned to Space Center to find it to was missing, as was Kerbin. I could only see a view of space:


Fully shutting down game and reloading allowed me to return to the Space Center. It looks fine. I then used the tracking station to go to the aircraft, it is currently on an escape trajectory from Kerbol at 23401m/s.

Also Jeb died :/

Edited by Llewlits
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This happens sometimes. It's a bug that happens semi-frequently, but not enough for the actual cause to be narrowed down.

Depending on how your game is set up, Jeb will reappear on his own after a while. If he doesn't, I can talk you through editing the save file to bring him back.

Welcome to the forums! :D



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