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1.0 Bug (?): Warning: No control! info and uncontrollable ship

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Another one (Tested in SPH):

When creating new ship and/or loading one while you have no available crew you get the misleading info "No manned comm modules" but without a pointer that's the problem is because there is no available Kerbonauts.

But the real bug is here: When you go to Astronaut Complex from within building (Currently tested with SPH), get the new kerbonaut to roster and even insert kerbonaut into capsule, after you press launch YOU STILL GET THE INFO about missing controllable pod! It goes away when either you reload craft, create new. But when you launch, craft is uncontrollable, no crew portrait showsup. After revert adding Kerbal to ship results in Info (No crew) not showing anymore, and craft launches fine

Edit: Confirmed with VAB

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