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2 Kerbal Capsule, 1.25m


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I'm looking for someone to make a proper 2 man capsule for KSP. Something that preferably looks like the MK1-2 pod, but even something that looks like the MK1 pod is fine too. There aren't many that existed before 1.0, and most of those were abandoned even before then.

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K2 isn't compatible with 1.0. - It has stopped development quite a bit ago as well.

I tried to adjust the .cfg file, but I suppose i fail to understand what the problem is. I got the correct height, but the heatshield for 1.25 parts would not connect properly.

Edited by MarcAlain
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If you can stand Russian, tantares is where it's at! Don't have a link atm because of being on mobile though :(

I have to agree here. Since 1.0.x came out I went back and revisited all the part mods I was running while waiting for updates. Tantares got update very quickly so I tried it out - now I don't want to give it up it's so wonderful. Includes numerous pods including 1.25m 2 kerbal pods as well as station parts for building Russian style stations. The work is beautiful as well so I'd check it out. The two packs offered are Tantares (Soyuz/MIR) and Tantares LV (Proton+other stuff). The LV version has most of the lift engines/tanks and the standard version has the pods and orbital engines. You can always pick and choose the pieces you want so I'd check both of them out - personally I run both and I'm currently not looking for other part mods to use at the moment. Very good stuff. :D

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